isip : Individual Social Integration Projects

The lino_welfare.modlib.isip package provides data definitions for Individual Social Integration Projects (ISIP).


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> ses = rt.login('robin')
>>> translation.activate('en')



An integration contract aiming at an individual coaching of a beneficiary during their scholar education.

French: PIIS (Projet individuel d’insertion sociale). German: VSE (Vertrag zur Sozialen Eingliederung)

integration contract

An agreement between the PCSW and a client, and potentially an external legal person as a third partner.

examination policy

A strategy used for planning regular evaluation meetings. That is, Lino automatically suggests dates where the agent invites the client.


This plugin is also used and extended by and lino_welfare.modlib.immersion, lino_welfare.modlib.art61.

See also Automatic calendar events.


class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractBase

Model mixin for all integration contracts.

Inherited by isip.Contract, jobs.Contract, art60.Contract, art61.Contract and immersions.Contract.

Inherits from lino_welfare.modlib.system.Signers, Certifiable, EventGenerator, UserAuthored.


The person who created this contract.


The responsible person at the general social service.


The client for whom this contract is done.


The start date of the contract.


The planned end date of this contract.


The date when this contract was effectively ended. This field is set to the same value as applies_until.


The reason of prematured ending. Pointer to ContractEnding


When the contract was issued to the client and signed by them.


When the contract was ratified by the responsible board.


The language of this contract. Default value is the client’s language.


The type of this contract. Pointer to a subclass of ContractTypeBase.


The printed title of a contract specifies just the contract type (not the number and name of client).

get_excerpt_templates(self, bm)

Overrides lino_xl.lib.excerpts.Certifiable.get_excerpt_templates().

client_changed(self, ar)

If the contract’s author is the client’s primary coach, then set user_asd to None, otherwise set user_asd to the primary coach. We no longer suppose that only integration agents write contracts.

full_clean(self, *args, **kw)

Checks for the following error conditions:

  • You must specify a contract type.

  • Contract ends before it started.

  • Any error message returned by OverlappingContractsTest


Returns the last aid confirmation that has been issued for this contract. May be used in .odt template.

Update 20170530: not the last confirmation but the last granting.

suggest_cal_guests(self, event)

Automatic evaluation events have the client as mandatory participant, plus possibly some other coach.


All contracts of a demo project (not only one) are being printed. Overrides lino.modlib.printing.Printable.get_printable_demo_objects().

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractPartnerBase

Model mixin for integration contracts that have a single partner.

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractBaseTable

Base for contract tables. Defines the following parameter fields:


See ContractEvents.


Show only contracts with the specified ContractEnding.


Select “Yes” to show only contracts whose ending ContractEnding has is_success checked.

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.Contract

The Django model representing an ISIP.


The type of this contract. Pointer to ContractType.


The type of study that is going to be followed during this contract.

Pointer to

Miscellaneous models

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractEvents

A list of observable events for filtering contracts (ContractBaseTable.observed_event).

======= ========= =========
 value   name      text
------- --------- ---------
 10      active    Active
 20      started   Started
 30      ended     Ended
 40      decided   Decided
 50      issued    Issued
======= ========= =========
class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ClientHasContract

Whether the client has at least one ISIP contact during the observed date range.

A filter criteria added to lino_xl.lib.clients.ClientEvents.

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractsByClient

To see this table you need either IntegrationAgent or SocialCoordinator.

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.ContractTypeBase

Base class for all ContractType models.

Used by lino_welfare.modlib.isip,, lino_welfare.modlib.art61 and lino_welfare.modlib.immersion,


The full description of this contract type as used in printed documents.


The default examination policy to be used for contracts of this type.

This is a pointer to ExamPolicy. All contract types share the same set of examination policies.


The overlap group to use when checking whether two contracts are overlapping or not. If this field is empty, Lino does not check at all for overlapping contracts.

See OverlappingContractsTest.


The main template to use instead of the default template defined on the excerpt type.

See lino_xl.lib.excerpts.mixins.Certifiable.get_excerpt_templates().

Overlapping contracts

Lino Welfare helps social agents to avoid problems resulting from wrong dates concerning the beginning and ending of contracts.

When entering several contracts for a client, Lino can check whether they overlap. This check is not done for alle contracts. For example, a client can have an active job contract (these usually run for 18 months) and still have additional training contractrs in parallel.

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.OverlapGroups

The list of all known overlap groups to be selected for the overlap_group of a contract type.

======= =========== =============
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -------------
 10      contracts   Conventions
 20      trainings   Trainings
======= =========== =============
class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.OverlappingContractsTest

Volatile object used to test for overlapping contracts. It is responsible for issuing the following error messages:

  • Date range overlaps with X #Y means that the date periods of two contracts of a same client overlap in time.

    This message is issued only when the two contracts are in the same overlap group (see OverlapGroups).

    The overlap group of a contract is defined by its contract type.

    No warning is issued if the contract type has no overlap group.

  • (Currently deactivated) Date range X lies outside of coached period (Y)

class lino_welfare.modlib.isip.OverlappingContractsChecker

A given client cannot have two active contracts at the same time.


ISIP contracts are created and managed by Integration agents, but they are also available for consultation to social agents, newcomer consultants and reception clerks.

>>> p100 = users.UserTypes.get_by_value('100') # integ agents
>>> p200 = users.UserTypes.get_by_value('200') # newcomer agents
>>> p210 = users.UserTypes.get_by_value('210') # reception clerks
>>> p400 = users.UserTypes.get_by_value('400') # social agents
>>> isip.MyContracts.get_view_permission(p100)
>>> isip.MyContracts.get_view_permission(p200)  
>>> isip.MyContracts.get_view_permission(p210)  
>>> isip.MyContracts.get_view_permission(p400)  
>>> isip.ContractsByClient.get_view_permission(p100)
>>> isip.ContractsByClient.get_view_permission(p200)
>>> isip.ContractsByClient.get_view_permission(p210)
>>> isip.ContractsByClient.get_view_permission(p400)


===================== =========== ==================== ==================
 Designation           Reference   Examination Policy   needs Study type
--------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------
 VSE Ausbildung        vsea        Every month          Yes
 VSE Arbeitssuche      vseb        Every month          No
 VSE Lehre             vsec        Every month          No
 VSE Vollzeitstudium   vsed        Every month          Yes
 VSE Sprachkurs        vsee        Every month          No
===================== =========== ==================== ==================
==== ============== ============ ============================ ================== =====================
 ID   applies from   date ended   Client                       Responsible (IS)   Contract Type
---- -------------- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------
 1    29/09/2012     07/08/2013   AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116)      Hubert Huppertz    VSE Ausbildung
 2    08/08/2013     01/12/2014   AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116)      Mélanie Mélard     VSE Arbeitssuche
 3    13/10/2012     21/08/2013   DOBBELSTEIN Dorothée (124)   Alicia Allmanns    VSE Lehre
 4    27/10/2012     19/02/2014   EVERS Eberhart (127)         Alicia Allmanns    VSE Vollzeitstudium
 5    20/02/2014     22/03/2014   EVERS Eberhart (127)         Caroline Carnol    VSE Sprachkurs
 6    23/03/2014     29/01/2015   EVERS Eberhart (127)         Caroline Carnol    VSE Ausbildung
 7    10/11/2012     05/03/2014   ENGELS Edgar (129)           Alicia Allmanns    VSE Arbeitssuche
 8    06/03/2014     12/01/2015   ENGELS Edgar (129)           Mélanie Mélard     VSE Lehre
 9    24/11/2012     19/03/2014   GROTECLAES Gregory (132)     Alicia Allmanns    VSE Vollzeitstudium
 10   08/12/2012     07/01/2013   JACOBS Jacqueline (137)      Alicia Allmanns    VSE Sprachkurs
 11   22/12/2012     30/10/2013   KAIVERS Karl (141)           Alicia Allmanns    VSE Ausbildung
 12   31/10/2013     23/02/2015   KAIVERS Karl (141)           Caroline Carnol    VSE Arbeitssuche
 13   05/01/2013     13/11/2013   LAZARUS Line (144)           Alicia Allmanns    VSE Lehre
 14   14/11/2013     09/03/2015   LAZARUS Line (144)           Mélanie Mélard     VSE Vollzeitstudium
 15   19/01/2013     18/02/2013   MEESSEN Melissa (147)        Mélanie Mélard     VSE Sprachkurs
 16   19/02/2013     28/12/2013   MEESSEN Melissa (147)        Mélanie Mélard     VSE Ausbildung
 17   29/12/2013     23/04/2015   MEESSEN Melissa (147)        Mélanie Mélard     VSE Arbeitssuche
 18   02/02/2013     11/12/2013   RADERMACHER Alfons (153)     Alicia Allmanns    VSE Lehre
 19   16/02/2013     11/06/2014   RADERMACHER Edgard (157)     Alicia Allmanns    VSE Vollzeitstudium
 20   12/06/2014     12/07/2014   RADERMACHER Edgard (157)     Mélanie Mélard     VSE Sprachkurs
 21   13/07/2014     21/05/2015   RADERMACHER Edgard (157)     Mélanie Mélard     VSE Ausbildung
 22   02/03/2013     25/06/2014   RADERMACHER Guido (159)      Caroline Carnol    VSE Arbeitssuche
 23   26/06/2014     04/05/2015   RADERMACHER Guido (159)      Mélanie Mélard     VSE Lehre
 24   16/03/2013     09/07/2014   DA VINCI David (165)         Alicia Allmanns    VSE Vollzeitstudium
 25   10/07/2014     09/08/2014   DA VINCI David (165)         Alicia Allmanns    VSE Sprachkurs
 26   10/08/2014     18/06/2015   DA VINCI David (165)         Alicia Allmanns    VSE Ausbildung
 27   30/03/2013     23/07/2014   ÖSTGES Otto (168)            Alicia Allmanns    VSE Arbeitssuche
 28   24/07/2014     01/06/2015   ÖSTGES Otto (168)            Mélanie Mélard     VSE Lehre
 29   13/04/2013     06/08/2014   BRECHT Bernd (177)           Alicia Allmanns    VSE Vollzeitstudium
 30   07/08/2014     06/09/2014   BRECHT Bernd (177)           Hubert Huppertz    VSE Sprachkurs
 31   27/04/2013     05/03/2014   DUBOIS Robin (179)           Alicia Allmanns    VSE Ausbildung
 32   06/03/2014     29/06/2015   DUBOIS Robin (179)           Mélanie Mélard     VSE Arbeitssuche
 33   11/05/2013     19/03/2014   JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)       Alicia Allmanns    VSE Lehre
 34   20/03/2014     13/07/2015   JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)       Hubert Huppertz    VSE Vollzeitstudium
==== ============== ============ ============================ ================== =====================

Contracts and Grantings

(The following is not yet very useful:)

>>> for obj in isip.Contracts.request():
...    print ("{} {} {}".format(, obj.applies_from, repr(obj.get_granting())))
1 2012-09-29 Granting #1 ('EiEi/29/09/2012/116')
2 2013-08-08 None
3 2012-10-13 Granting #3 ('EiEi/13/10/2012/124')
4 2012-10-27 Granting #4 ('Ausländerbeihilfe/27/10/2012/127')
5 2014-02-20 None
6 2014-03-23 None
7 2012-11-10 Granting #7 ('EiEi/10/11/2012/129')
8 2014-03-06 None
9 2012-11-24 Granting #9 ('EiEi/24/11/2012/132')
10 2012-12-08 Granting #10 ('Ausländerbeihilfe/08/12/2012/137')
11 2012-12-22 Granting #11 ('EiEi/22/12/2012/141')
12 2013-10-31 None
13 2013-01-05 Granting #13 ('EiEi/05/01/2013/144')
14 2013-11-14 None
15 2013-01-19 Granting #15 ('EiEi/19/01/2013/147')
16 2013-02-19 None
17 2013-12-29 None
18 2013-02-02 Granting #18 ('Ausländerbeihilfe/02/02/2013/153')
19 2013-02-16 None
20 2014-06-12 None
21 2014-07-13 None
22 2013-03-02 None
23 2014-06-26 None
24 2013-03-16 Granting #24 ('Ausländerbeihilfe/16/03/2013/165')
25 2014-07-10 None
26 2014-08-10 None
27 2013-03-30 Granting #27 ('EiEi/30/03/2013/168')
28 2014-07-24 None
29 2013-04-13 Granting #29 ('EiEi/13/04/2013/177')
30 2014-08-07 None
31 2013-04-27 Granting #31 ('EiEi/27/04/2013/179')
32 2014-03-06 None
33 2013-05-11 Granting #33 ('EiEi/11/05/2013/181')
34 2014-03-20 None