Usage of database excerpts in Lino Welfare¶
Configuring excerpts¶
See also Developer intro to printing.
Here is a more complete list of excerpt types:
============================================================= ======== =============== =========================== ===================== ============================= ================================
Modell Primär Bescheinigend Bezeichnung Druckmethode Vorlage Textkörper-Vorlage
------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------- --------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------
`aids.IncomeConfirmation (Einkommensbescheinigung) <…>`__ Ja Ja Einkommensbescheinigung Default.odt certificate.body.html
`aids.RefundConfirmation (Kostenübernahmeschein) <…>`__ Ja Ja Kostenübernahmeschein Default.odt certificate.body.html
`aids.SimpleConfirmation (Einfache Bescheinigung) <…>`__ Ja Ja Einfache Bescheinigung Default.odt certificate.body.html
`art61.Contract (Art.61-Konvention) <…>`__ Ja Ja Art.61-Konvention contract.body.html
`cal.Guest (Anwesenheit) <…>`__ Ja Nein Anwesenheitsbescheinigung Default.odt presence_certificate.body.html
`cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest (IdentifyPerson-Anfrage) <…>`__ Ja Ja IdentifyPerson-Anfrage
`cbss.ManageAccessRequest (ManageAccess-Anfrage) <…>`__ Ja Ja ManageAccess-Anfrage
`cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest (Tx25-Anfrage) <…>`__ Ja Ja Tx25-Anfrage
`contacts.Partner (Partner) <…>`__ Nein Nein Zahlungserinnerung WeasyPdfBuildMethod payment_reminder.weasy.html
`contacts.Person (Person) <…>`__ Nein Nein Nutzungsbestimmungen AppyPdfBuildMethod TermsConditions.odt
`debts.Budget (Budget) <…>`__ Ja Ja Finanzielle Situation
`esf.ClientSummary (ESF Summary) <…>`__ Ja Ja Training report WeasyPdfBuildMethod
`finan.BankStatement (Kontoauszug) <…>`__ Ja Ja Kontoauszug
`finan.JournalEntry (Diverse Buchung) <…>`__ Ja Ja Diverse Buchung
`finan.PaymentOrder (Zahlungsauftrag) <…>`__ Ja Ja Zahlungsauftrag
`isip.Contract (VSE) <…>`__ Ja Ja VSE
`jobs.Contract (Art.60§7-Konvention) <…>`__ Ja Ja Art.60§7-Konvention
`pcsw.Client (Klient) <…>`__ Ja Nein Aktenblatt file_sheet.odt
`pcsw.Client (Klient) <…>`__ Nein Nein Aktionsplan Default.odt pac.body.html
`pcsw.Client (Klient) <…>`__ Nein Nein Curriculum vitae AppyRtfBuildMethod cv.odt
`pcsw.Client (Klient) <…>`__ Nein Nein eID-Inhalt eid-content.odt
============================================================= ======== =============== =========================== ===================== ============================= ================================
Demo excerpts¶
Here is a list of all demo excerpts.
>>>, language="en", column_names="id excerpt_type owner project company language")
==== ======================== =========================================================== ============================= ================================ ==========
ID Excerpt Type Controlled by Client Recipient (Organization) Language
---- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------
77 Action plan `AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
76 eID sheet `AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
75 File sheet `AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
74 Curriculum vitae `AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
73 Presence certificate `Presence #1 (22.05.2014) <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
72 Payment reminder `Belgisches Rotes Kreuz <…>`__ de
71 Art60§7 job supplyment `Art60§7 job supplyment#16 (Denis DENON) <…>`__ DENON Denis (180*) R-Cycle Sperrgutsortierzentrum de
70 Art60§7 job supplyment `Art60§7 job supplyment#15 (Denis DENON) <…>`__ DENON Denis (180*) BISA de
14 Art61 job supplyment `Art61 job supplyment#2 (Josef JONAS) <…>`__ JONAS Josef (139) de
13 Art61 job supplyment `Art61 job supplyment#1 (Daniel EMONTS) <…>`__ EMONTS Daniel (128) de
12 Terms & conditions `Mr Albert ADAM <…>`__ de
11 Simple confirmation `Clothes bank/22/05/2014/240/19 <…>`__ FRISCH Paul (240) Belgisches Rotes Kreuz de
10 Simple confirmation `Clothes bank/01/06/2014/159/16 <…>`__ RADERMACHER Guido (159) de
9 Simple confirmation `Food bank/31/05/2014/155/13 <…>`__ RADERMACHER Christian (155) en
8 Simple confirmation `Heating costs/30/05/2014/152/10 <…>`__ EMONTS-GAST Erna (152) fr
7 Simple confirmation `Furniture/29/05/2014/146/7 <…>`__ MALMENDIER Marc (146) de
6 Refund confirmation `DMH/28/05/2014/142/7 <…>`__ LAMBERTZ Guido (142) de
5 Refund confirmation `AMK/27/05/2014/139/1 <…>`__ JONAS Josef (139) fr
4 Simple confirmation `Erstattung/25/05/2014/130/1 <…>`__ FAYMONVILLE Luc (130*) de
3 Income confirmation `Feste Beihilfe/24/05/2014/128/58 <…>`__ EMONTS Daniel (128) de
2 Income confirmation `Ausländerbeihilfe/08/08/2013/116/2 <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
1 Income confirmation `EiEi/29/09/2012/116/1 <…>`__ AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) de
==== ======================== =========================================================== ============================= ================================ ==========
As for the default language of an excerpt: the recipient overrides the owner.
The above list no longer shows well how the language of an excerpt depends on the recipient and the client. That would need some more excerpts. Excerpt 88 (the only example) is in French because the recipient (BISA) speaks French and although the owner (Charlotte) speaks German:
>>> print(contacts.Partner.objects.get(id=196).language)
>>> print(contacts.Partner.objects.get(id=118).language)
The default template for excerpts¶
- excerpts/Default.odt¶
This template should be customized locally to contain the site operator’s layout.
The template inserts the recipient address using this appy.pod code:
do text
from html(this.get_address_html(5, **{'class':"Recipient"})
This code is inserted as a command in some paragraph whose content in the template can be anything since it will be replaced by the computed text.
>>> obj = aids.SimpleConfirmation.objects.get(pk=19)
>>> print(obj.get_address_html(5, **{'class':"Recipient"}))
<p class="Recipient">Belgisches Rotes Kreuz<br/>Hillstraße 1<br/>4700 Eupen</p>
That paragraph should also contain another comment:
do text if this.excerpt_type.print_recipient
There should of course be a paragraph style “Recipient” with proper margins and spacing set.