The Lino Welfare “Eupen” variant¶
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
Lino Welfare à la Eupen is the oldest Lino application in the world, it was the first Lino that went into production in 2010.
>>> print(analyzer.show_complexity_factors())
- 67 plugins
- 144 models
- 18 user types
- 33 dialog actions
>>> from lino.utils.code import analyze_rst
>>> print(analyze_rst('lino', 'lino_xl', 'lino_welfare'))
============== ============ =========== =============== =============
name code lines doc lines comment lines total lines
-------------- ------------ ----------- --------------- -------------
lino 36.6k 24.9k 11.1k 90.3k
lino_xl 10.8k 5.9k 2.5k 23.8k
lino_welfare 5.9k 5.3k 3.0k 17.8k
total 53.3k 36.1k 16.5k 131.9k
============== ============ =========== =============== =============
Database structure¶
This is the list of models used in the Eupen variant of Lino Welfare:
>>> analyzer.show_db_overview()
67 plugins: lino, printing, system, about, jinja, bootstrap3, extjs, help,
office, xl, countries, contacts, appypod, humanize, users, contenttypes, gfks,
memo, linod, notify, changes, properties, checkdata, addresses, excerpts,
uploads, outbox, extensible, cal, reception, boards, clients, coachings, pcsw,
welfare, trading, periods, weasyprint, accounting, sepa, cosi, b2c, finan,
vatless, languages, cv, integ, isip, jobs, art61, xcourses, newcomers, cbss,
households, humanlinks, debts, notes, aids, summaries, esf, beid, dashboard,
export_excel, dupable_clients, tinymce, staticfiles, sessions.
144 models:
============================== =============================== ========= =======
Name Default table #fields #rows
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------- -------
accounting.Account accounting.Accounts 16 41
accounting.Journal accounting.Journals 25 4
accounting.LedgerInfo accounting.LedgerInfoTable 2 0
accounting.MatchRule accounting.MatchRules 3 2
accounting.Movement accounting.Movements 10 580
accounting.PaymentTerm accounting.PaymentTerms 11 8
accounting.Voucher accounting.AllVouchers 8 56
addresses.Address addresses.Addresses 16 175
aids.AidType aids.AidTypes 21 11
aids.Category aids.Categories 4 3
aids.Granting aids.Grantings 12 59
aids.IncomeConfirmation aids.IncomeConfirmations 17 60
aids.RefundConfirmation aids.RefundConfirmations 18 12
aids.SimpleConfirmation aids.SimpleConfirmations 15 19
art61.Activation art61.Activations 10 0
art61.Contract art61.Contracts 38 7
art61.ContractType art61.ContractTypes 9 1
b2c.Account b2c.Accounts 6 34
b2c.Statement b2c.Statements 8 34
b2c.Transaction b2c.Transactions 17 57
boards.Board boards.Boards 6 3
boards.Member boards.Members 4 0
cal.Calendar cal.Calendars 6 11
cal.EntryRepeater cal.EntryRepeaterTable 17 0
cal.Event cal.Events 26 618
cal.EventPolicy cal.EventPolicies 20 6
cal.EventType cal.EventTypes 26 12
cal.Guest cal.Guests 10 727
cal.GuestRole cal.GuestRoles 5 4
cal.RecurrentEvent cal.RecurrentEvents 22 15
cal.RemoteCalendar cal.RemoteCalendars 7 0
cal.Room cal.Rooms 10 0
cal.Subscription cal.Subscriptions 4 9
cal.Task cal.Tasks 18 40
cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests 21 5
cbss.ManageAccessRequest cbss.ManageAccessRequests 24 1
cbss.Purpose cbss.Purposes 6 106
cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests 15 6
cbss.Sector cbss.Sectors 9 209
changes.Change changes.Changes 10 0
checkdata.Message checkdata.Messages 6 12
clients.ClientContact clients.ClientContacts 7 14
clients.ClientContactType clients.ClientContactTypes 7 10
coachings.Coaching coachings.Coachings 8 90
coachings.CoachingEnding coachings.CoachingEndings 6 4
coachings.CoachingType coachings.CoachingTypes 7 3
contacts.Company contacts.Companies 29 51
contacts.CompanyType contacts.CompanyTypes 7 14
contacts.Partner contacts.Partners 26 174
contacts.Person contacts.Persons 33 109
contacts.Role contacts.Roles 4 13
contacts.RoleType contacts.RoleTypes 6 5
contenttypes.ContentType gfks.ContentTypes 3 144
countries.Country countries.Countries 8 224
countries.Place countries.Places 10 80
cv.Duration cv.Durations 4 5
cv.EducationLevel cv.EducationLevels 7 5
cv.Experience cv.Experiences 18 30
cv.Function cv.Functions 6 4
cv.LanguageKnowledge cv.LanguageKnowledges 10 112
cv.PersonProperty cv.PersonProperties 6 310
cv.Regime cv.Regimes 4 3
cv.Sector cv.Sectors 5 14
cv.Status cv.Statuses 4 7
cv.Study cv.Studies 15 22
cv.StudyType cv.StudyTypes 7 11
cv.Training cv.Trainings 17 20
dashboard.Widget dashboard.Widgets 5 0
debts.Account debts.Accounts 12 51
debts.Actor debts.Actors 6 63
debts.Budget debts.Budgets 11 17
debts.Entry debts.Entries 16 871
debts.Group debts.Groups 7 8
dupable_clients.Word dupable_clients.Words 3 130
esf.ClientSummary esf.Summaries 24 189
excerpts.Excerpt excerpts.Excerpts 12 77
excerpts.ExcerptType excerpts.ExcerptTypes 17 21
finan.BankStatement finan.BankStatements 16 0
finan.BankStatementItem finan.BankStatementItemTable 10 0
finan.JournalEntry finan.FinancialVouchers 15 0
finan.JournalEntryItem finan.JournalEntryItemTable 10 0
finan.PaymentOrder finan.PaymentOrders 15 26
finan.PaymentOrderItem finan.PaymentOrderItemTable 10 220
households.Household households.Households 28 14
households.Member households.Members 14 63
households.Type households.Types 4 6
humanlinks.Link humanlinks.Links 4 59
isip.Contract isip.Contracts 24 34
isip.ContractEnding isip.ContractEndings 6 4
isip.ContractPartner isip.ContractPartners 8 38
isip.ContractType isip.ContractTypes 10 5
isip.ExamPolicy isip.ExamPolicies 20 6
jobs.Candidature jobs.Candidatures 10 74
jobs.Contract jobs.Contracts 28 16
jobs.ContractType jobs.ContractTypes 9 5
jobs.Job jobs.Jobs 10 8
jobs.JobProvider jobs.JobProviders 31 3
jobs.JobType jobs.JobTypes 5 5
jobs.Offer jobs.Offers 9 1
jobs.Schedule jobs.Schedules 4 3
languages.Language languages.Languages 5 5
linod.SystemTask linod.SystemTasks 24 8
memo.Mention memo.Mentions 5 0
newcomers.Broker newcomers.Brokers 2 2
newcomers.Competence newcomers.Competences 5 7
newcomers.Faculty newcomers.Faculties 5 5
notes.EventType notes.EventTypes 8 10
notes.Note notes.Notes 18 118
notes.NoteType notes.NoteTypes 11 13
notify.Message notify.Messages 11 13
outbox.Attachment outbox.Attachments 4 0
outbox.Mail outbox.Mails 9 63
outbox.Recipient outbox.Recipients 6 63
pcsw.Activity pcsw.Activities 3 0
pcsw.AidType pcsw.AidTypes 4 0
pcsw.Client pcsw.Clients 81 63
pcsw.Conviction pcsw.Convictions 5 0
pcsw.Dispense pcsw.Dispenses 6 0
pcsw.DispenseReason pcsw.DispenseReasons 5 4
pcsw.Exclusion pcsw.Exclusions 6 0
pcsw.ExclusionType pcsw.ExclusionTypes 2 2
pcsw.PersonGroup pcsw.PersonGroups 4 5
periods.StoredPeriod periods.StoredPeriods 7 29
periods.StoredYear periods.StoredYears 5 8
properties.PropChoice properties.PropChoices 6 2
properties.PropGroup properties.PropGroups 5 3
properties.PropType properties.PropTypes 8 3
properties.Property properties.Properties 6 23
sepa.Account sepa.Accounts 8 51
sessions.Session users.Sessions 3 ...
system.SiteConfig system.SiteConfigs 30 1
tinymce.TextFieldTemplate tinymce.TextFieldTemplates 5 2
uploads.Upload uploads.Uploads 20 17
uploads.UploadType uploads.UploadTypes 10 10
uploads.Volume uploads.Volumes 4 1
users.Authority users.Authorities 3 3
users.User users.AllUsers 29 13
vatless.AccountInvoice vatless.Invoices 18 30
vatless.InvoiceItem vatless.InvoiceItemTable 7 80
xcourses.Course xcourses.Courses 5 3
xcourses.CourseContent xcourses.CourseContents 2 2
xcourses.CourseOffer xcourses.CourseOffers 6 3
xcourses.CourseProvider xcourses.CourseProviders 30 2
xcourses.CourseRequest xcourses.CourseRequests 10 20
============================== =============================== ========= =======
Database structure¶
>>> print(analyzer.show_database_structure())
- accounting.Account : id, ref, seqno, name, common_account, needs_partner, clearable, default_amount, name_fr, name_en, sales_allowed, purchases_allowed, wages_allowed, taxes_allowed, clearings_allowed, bank_po_allowed
- accounting.Journal : id, ref, seqno, name, build_method, template, trade_type, voucher_type, journal_group, auto_check_clearings, auto_fill_suggestions, force_sequence, preliminary, make_ledger_movements, account, partner, printed_name, dc, yearly_numbering, uploads_volume, printed_name_fr, printed_name_en, name_fr, name_en, sepa_account
- accounting.LedgerInfo : user, entry_date
- accounting.MatchRule : id, account, journal
- accounting.Movement : id, project, voucher, seqno, partner, value_date, match, cleared, account, amount
- accounting.PaymentTerm : id, ref, name, days, months, end_of_month, printed_text, printed_text_fr, printed_text_en, name_fr, name_en
- accounting.Voucher : id, user, journal, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, number, narration
- addresses.Address : id, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, data_source, address_type, partner, remark, primary
- aids.AidType : id, name, contact_person, contact_role, company, excerpt_title, aid_regime, confirmation_type, short_name, board, print_directly, is_integ_duty, is_urgent, confirmed_by_primary_coach, pharmacy_type, address_type, body_template, name_fr, name_en, excerpt_title_fr, excerpt_title_en
- aids.Category : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- aids.Granting : id, start_date, end_date, user, decision_date, board, signer, state, client, aid_type, category, request_date
- aids.IncomeConfirmation : id, created, start_date, end_date, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, printed_by, signer, state, client, granting, remark, language, category, amount
- aids.RefundConfirmation : id, created, start_date, end_date, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, printed_by, signer, state, client, granting, remark, language, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy
- aids.SimpleConfirmation : id, created, start_date, end_date, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, printed_by, signer, state, client, granting, remark, language
- art61.Activation : id, start_date, end_date, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, client, amount, remark
- art61.Contract : id, signer1, signer2, contact_person, contact_role, user, printed_by, sector, function, client, language, applies_from, applies_until, date_decided, date_issued, user_asd, exam_policy, ending, date_ended, reference_person, responsibilities, duration, remark, company, type, job_title, status, cv_duration, regime, sub_10_amount, sub_10_start, sub_10_end, sub_20_amount, sub_20_start, sub_20_end, sub_30_amount, sub_30_start, sub_30_end
- art61.ContractType : id, ref, name, full_name, exam_policy, overlap_group, template, name_fr, name_en
- b2c.Account : id, iban, bic, account_name, owner_name, last_transaction
- b2c.Statement : id, account, statement_number, start_date, end_date, balance_start, balance_end, local_currency
- b2c.Transaction : id, statement, seqno, amount, remote_account, remote_bic, message, eref, remote_owner, remote_owner_address, remote_owner_city, remote_owner_postalcode, remote_owner_country_code, txcd, txcd_issuer, booking_date, value_date
- boards.Board : id, start_date, end_date, name, name_fr, name_en
- boards.Member : id, board, person, role
- cal.Calendar : id, name, description, color, name_fr, name_en
- cal.EntryRepeater : id, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, max_events, cal_entry
- cal.Event : id, modified, created, project, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, build_time, build_method, user, assigned_to, owner_type, owner_id, summary, description, auto_type, priority, event_type, transparent, guests_edited, room, state, notify_before, notify_unit, notified
- cal.EventPolicy : id, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, name, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, max_events, event_type, name_fr, name_en
- cal.EventType : id, ref, seqno, name, attach_to_email, email_template, description, is_appointment, is_public, all_rooms, locks_user, force_guest_states, fill_presences, start_date, event_label, max_conflicting, max_days, transparent, planner_column, default_duration, invite_client, name_fr, name_en, event_label_fr, event_label_en, esf_field
- cal.Guest : id, event, partner, role, state, remark, waiting_since, busy_since, gone_since, waiting_number
- cal.GuestRole : id, ref, name, name_fr, name_en
- cal.RecurrentEvent : id, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, name, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, max_events, user, event_type, description, name_fr, name_en
- cal.RemoteCalendar : id, seqno, type, url_template, username, password, readonly
- cal.Room : id, name, contact_person, contact_role, company, display_color, description, calendar, name_fr, name_en
- cal.Subscription : id, user, calendar, is_hidden
- cal.Task : id, modified, created, project, start_date, start_time, user, owner_type, owner_id, summary, description, auto_type, priority, due_date, due_time, percent, state, delegated
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest : id, user, printed_by, person, sent, status, environment, ticket, request_xml, response_xml, debug_messages, info_messages, national_id, birth_date, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, middle_name, gender, tolerance
- cbss.ManageAccessRequest : id, user, printed_by, person, sent, status, environment, ticket, request_xml, response_xml, debug_messages, info_messages, national_id, birth_date, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, sector, purpose, start_date, end_date, action, query_register
- cbss.Purpose : id, name, sector_code, code, name_fr, name_en
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest : id, user, printed_by, person, sent, status, environment, ticket, request_xml, response_xml, debug_messages, info_messages, national_id, language, history
- cbss.Sector : id, name, code, subcode, abbr, abbr_fr, abbr_en, name_fr, name_en
- changes.Change : id, user, time, type, object_type, object_id, master_type, master_id, diff, changed_fields
- checkdata.Message : id, user, owner_type, owner_id, checker, message
- clients.ClientContact : id, contact_person, contact_role, company, type, client, remark
- clients.ClientContactType : id, name, known_contact_type, name_fr, name_en, is_bailiff, can_refund
- coachings.Coaching : id, start_date, end_date, user, client, type, primary, ending
- coachings.CoachingEnding : id, seqno, name, type, name_fr, name_en
- coachings.CoachingType : id, name, does_integ, does_gss, eval_guestrole, name_fr, name_en
- contacts.Company : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, type, vat_id
- contacts.CompanyType : id, name, abbr, abbr_fr, abbr_en, name_fr, name_en
- contacts.Partner : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term
- contacts.Person : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date
- contacts.Role : id, type, person, company
- contacts.RoleType : id, name, can_sign, name_fr, name_en, use_in_contracts
- contenttypes.ContentType : id, app_label, model
- countries.Country : name, isocode, short_code, iso3, inscode, actual_country, name_fr, name_en
- countries.Place : id, parent, name, country, zip_code, type, show_type, inscode, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Duration : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.EducationLevel : id, seqno, name, is_study, is_training, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Experience : id, start_date, end_date, country, city, zip_code, sector, function, person, duration_text, company, title, status, duration, regime, is_training, remarks, termination_reason
- cv.Function : id, name, remark, sector, name_fr, name_en
- cv.LanguageKnowledge : id, person, language, spoken, written, spoken_passively, written_passively, native, cef_level, has_certificate
- cv.PersonProperty : id, group, property, value, person, remark
- cv.Regime : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Sector : id, name, remark, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Status : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Study : id, start_date, end_date, country, city, zip_code, person, duration_text, language, school, state, remarks, type, education_level, content
- cv.StudyType : id, name, is_study, is_training, education_level, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Training : id, start_date, end_date, country, city, zip_code, sector, function, person, duration_text, language, school, state, remarks, type, content, certificates
- dashboard.Widget : id, seqno, user, item_name, visible
- debts.Account : id, ref, seqno, name, group, type, required_for_household, required_for_person, periods, default_amount, name_fr, name_en
- debts.Actor : id, seqno, budget, partner, header, remark
- debts.Budget : id, user, printed_by, date, partner, print_todos, print_empty_rows, include_yearly_incomes, intro, conclusion, dist_amount
- debts.Entry : id, seqno, budget, account_type, account, partner, amount, actor, circa, distribute, todo, remark, description, periods, monthly_rate, bailiff
- debts.Group : id, name, ref, account_type, entries_layout, name_fr, name_en
- dupable_clients.Word : id, word, owner
- esf.ClientSummary : id, printed_by, year, month, esf10, esf20, esf21, esf30, esf40, esf41, esf42, esf43, esf44, esf50, esf60, esf70, master, education_level, children_at_charge, certified_handicap, other_difficulty, result, remark, user_modified
- excerpts.Excerpt : id, project, build_time, build_method, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, owner_type, owner_id, excerpt_type, language
- excerpts.ExcerptType : id, name, build_method, template, attach_to_email, email_template, certifying, remark, body_template, content_type, primary, backward_compat, print_recipient, print_directly, shortcut, name_fr, name_en
- finan.BankStatement : id, user, journal, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, number, narration, voucher_ptr, printed_by, state, item_account, item_remark, last_item_date, balance1, balance2
- finan.BankStatementItem : id, seqno, project, match, amount, remark, account, partner, date, voucher
- finan.JournalEntry : id, user, journal, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, number, narration, voucher_ptr, printed_by, project, state, item_account, item_remark, last_item_date
- finan.JournalEntryItem : id, seqno, project, match, amount, remark, account, partner, date, voucher
- finan.PaymentOrder : id, user, journal, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, number, narration, voucher_ptr, printed_by, state, item_account, item_remark, total, execution_date
- finan.PaymentOrderItem : id, seqno, project, match, amount, remark, account, partner, bank_account, voucher
- households.Household : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, type
- households.Member : id, start_date, end_date, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, role, person, household, dependency, primary
- households.Type : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- humanlinks.Link : id, type, parent, child
- isip.Contract : id, signer1, signer2, user, printed_by, client, language, applies_from, applies_until, date_decided, date_issued, user_asd, exam_policy, ending, date_ended, type, study_type, stages, goals, duties_asd, duties_dsbe, duties_pcsw, duties_person, user_dsbe
- isip.ContractEnding : id, name, use_in_isip, use_in_jobs, is_success, needs_date_ended
- isip.ContractPartner : id, contact_person, contact_role, reference_person, responsibilities, company, contract, duties_company
- isip.ContractType : id, name, full_name, exam_policy, overlap_group, template, ref, needs_study_type, name_fr, name_en
- isip.ExamPolicy : id, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, name, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, max_events, event_type, name_fr, name_en
- jobs.Candidature : id, sector, function, person, job, date_submitted, remark, state, art60, art61
- jobs.Contract : id, signer1, signer2, contact_person, contact_role, user, printed_by, client, language, applies_from, applies_until, date_decided, date_issued, user_asd, exam_policy, ending, date_ended, reference_person, responsibilities, duration, remark, company, type, job, regime, schedule, hourly_rate, refund_rate
- jobs.ContractType : id, ref, name, full_name, exam_policy, overlap_group, template, name_fr, name_en
- jobs.Job : id, sector, function, name, type, provider, contract_type, hourly_rate, capacity, remark
- jobs.JobProvider : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, type, vat_id, company_ptr, is_social
- jobs.JobType : id, seqno, name, remark, is_social
- jobs.Offer : id, sector, function, name, provider, selection_from, selection_until, start_date, remark
- jobs.Schedule : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- languages.Language : name, id, iso2, name_fr, name_en
- linod.SystemTask : id, seqno, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, max_events, log_level, disabled, last_start_time, last_end_time, message, procedure, name
- memo.Mention : id, owner_type, owner_id, target_type, target_id
- newcomers.Broker : id, name
- newcomers.Competence : id, seqno, user, faculty, weight
- newcomers.Faculty : id, name, weight, name_fr, name_en
- notes.EventType : id, name, remark, body, body_fr, body_en, name_fr, name_en
- notes.Note : id, project, build_time, build_method, contact_person, contact_role, company, user, owner_type, owner_id, date, time, type, event_type, subject, body, language, important
- notes.NoteType : id, name, build_method, template, attach_to_email, email_template, important, remark, special_type, name_fr, name_en
- notify.Message : id, created, user, owner_type, owner_id, message_type, seen, sent, body, mail_mode, subject
- outbox.Attachment : id, owner_type, owner_id, mail
- outbox.Mail : id, project, user, owner_type, owner_id, date, subject, body, sent
- outbox.Recipient : id, mail, partner, type, address, name
- pcsw.Activity : id, name, lst104
- pcsw.AidType : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- pcsw.Client : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, person_ptr, client_state, national_id, nationality, birth_country, birth_place, card_number, card_valid_from, card_valid_until, card_type, card_issuer, nationality_text, noble_condition, group, civil_state, residence_type, in_belgium_since, residence_until, unemployed_since, seeking_since, needs_residence_permit, needs_work_permit, work_permit_suspended_until, aid_type, declared_name, is_seeking, unavailable_until, unavailable_why, obstacles, skills, job_office_contact, refusal_reason, remarks2, gesdos_id, tim_id, is_cpas, is_senior, health_insurance, pharmacy, income_ag, income_wg, income_kg, income_rente, income_misc, job_agents, broker, faculty, has_esf
- pcsw.Conviction : id, client, date, prejudicial, designation
- pcsw.Dispense : id, client, reason, remarks, start_date, end_date
- pcsw.DispenseReason : id, seqno, name, name_fr, name_en
- pcsw.Exclusion : id, person, type, excluded_from, excluded_until, remark
- pcsw.ExclusionType : id, name
- pcsw.PersonGroup : id, name, ref_name, active
- periods.StoredPeriod : id, ref, start_date, end_date, state, year, remark
- periods.StoredYear : id, ref, start_date, end_date, state
- properties.PropChoice : id, type, value, text, text_fr, text_en
- properties.PropGroup : id, name, property_area, name_fr, name_en
- properties.PropType : id, name, choicelist, default_value, limit_to_choices, multiple_choices, name_fr, name_en
- properties.Property : id, name, group, type, name_fr, name_en
- sepa.Account : id, partner, iban, bic, remark, primary, account_type, managed
- sessions.Session : session_key, session_data, expire_date
- system.SiteConfig : id, default_build_method, simulate_today, site_company, signer1, signer2, signer1_function, signer2_function, next_partner_id, default_event_type, site_calendar, max_auto_events, hide_events_before, default_color, client_calendar, client_guestrole, team_guestrole, prompt_calendar, master_budget, system_note_type, job_office, residence_permit_upload_type, work_permit_upload_type, driving_licence_upload_type, sector, cbss_org_unit, ssdn_user_id, ssdn_email, cbss_http_username, cbss_http_password
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplate : id, user, name, description, text
- uploads.Upload : id, project, start_date, end_date, contact_person, contact_role, company, file, mimetype, file_size, user, owner_type, owner_id, upload_area, type, volume, library_file, description, remark, needed
- uploads.UploadType : id, name, upload_area, max_number, wanted, shortcut, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value, name_fr, name_en
- uploads.Volume : id, ref, root_dir, description
- users.Authority : id, user, authorized
- users.User : id, email, language, modified, created, start_date, end_date, password, last_login, username, user_type, initials, first_name, last_name, remarks, partner, verification_password, verification_code, verification_code_sent_on, date_format, newcomer_consultations, newcomer_appointments, notify_myself, mail_mode, event_type, calendar, coaching_type, coaching_supervisor, newcomer_quota
- vatless.AccountInvoice : id, user, journal, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, number, narration, voucher_ptr, partner, project, payment_term, your_ref, due_date, match, bank_account, state, amount
- vatless.InvoiceItem : id, seqno, project, account, voucher, title, amount
- xcourses.Course : id, offer, title, start_date, remark
- xcourses.CourseContent : id, name
- xcourses.CourseOffer : id, title, guest_role, content, provider, description
- xcourses.CourseProvider : id, email, language, url, phone, gsm, fax, modified, created, country, city, zip_code, region, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, prefix, name, remarks, is_obsolete, activity, client_contact_type, payment_term, partner_ptr, type, vat_id, company_ptr
- xcourses.CourseRequest : id, person, offer, content, date_submitted, urgent, state, course, remark, date_ended
List of window layouts¶
The following table lists information about all data entry form definitions (called window layouts) used by Lino Welfare. There are detail layouts, insert layouts and action parameter layouts.
Each window layout defines a given set of fields.
>>> #settings.SITE.catch_layout_exceptions = False
>>> print(analyzer.show_window_fields())
- about.About.reset_password : email, username, new1, new2
- : about_html
- about.About.sign_in : username, password
- about.About.verify_user : email, verification_code
- accounting.Accounts.detail : ref, common_account, id, name, name_fr, name_en, needs_partner, clearable, default_amount, accounting.MovementsByAccount
- accounting.Accounts.insert : ref, name, name_fr, name_en
- accounting.Accounts.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- accounting.AllVouchers.detail : journal, number, entry_date, accounting_period, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- accounting.Journals.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, ref, journal_group, voucher_type, trade_type, seqno, id, account, partner, build_method, template, uploads_volume, dc, make_ledger_movements, force_sequence, yearly_numbering, auto_fill_suggestions, auto_check_clearings, preliminary, printed_name, printed_name_fr, printed_name_en
- accounting.Journals.insert : ref, name, name_fr, name_en, journal_group, voucher_type
- accounting.Journals.merge_row : merge_to, accounting_MatchRule, reason
- accounting.PaymentTerms.detail : ref, months, days, end_of_month, name, name_fr, name_en, printed_text, printed_text_fr, printed_text_en
- accounting.PaymentTerms.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- addresses.Addresses.detail : country, city, zip_code, addr1, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, address_type, remark, data_source, partner
- addresses.Addresses.insert : country, city, street, street_no, street_box, address_type, remark
- aids.AidTypes.detail : id, short_name, confirmation_type, name, name_fr, name_en, excerpt_title, excerpt_title_fr, excerpt_title_en, body_template, print_directly, is_integ_duty, is_urgent, confirmed_by_primary_coach, board, company, contact_person, contact_role, pharmacy_type
- aids.AidTypes.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, confirmation_type
- aids.Categories.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- aids.Grantings.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, request_date, board, decision_date, aid_type, category, start_date, end_date, custom_actions
- aids.Grantings.insert : client, aid_type, signer, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date
- aids.GrantingsByClient.insert : aid_type, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date
- aids.IncomeConfirmations.detail : client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, printed, company, contact_person, language, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, id, remark
- aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert : client, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, company, contact_person, language, remark
- aids.RefundConfirmations.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting.insert : start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.SimpleConfirmations.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.SimpleConfirmationsByGranting.insert : start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, remark
- art61.Activations.detail : client, id, remark, amount, company, contact_person, contact_role, start_date, end_date
- art61.ActivationsByClient.insert : company, contact_person, contact_role, start_date, end_date, amount, remark
- art61.ContractTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, ref, overlap_group
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- art61.Contracts.detail : id, client, user, language, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, type, sector, function, job_title, status, cv_duration, regime, reference_person, remark, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, sub_10_amount, sub_20_amount, sub_30_amount, sub_10_start, sub_20_start, sub_30_start, sub_10_end, sub_20_end, sub_30_end, responsibilities, uploads.UploadsByController
- art61.Contracts.insert : client, company, type, function
- b2c.Accounts.detail : iban, bic, last_transaction, owner_name, account_name, partners
- b2c.Statements.detail : account, account__owner_name, account__account_name, statement_number, local_currency, balance_start, start_date, balance_end, end_date
- b2c.Transactions.detail : statement, seqno, booking_date, value_date, amount, remote_account, remote_bic, eref, txcd_text, remote_owner, remote_owner_address, remote_owner_city, remote_owner_postalcode, remote_owner_country_code, message
- boards.Boards.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- boards.Boards.insert : name, name_fr, name_en
- cal.Calendars.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, color, id, description
- cal.Calendars.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, color
- cal.EntriesByClient.insert : event_type, summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time
- cal.EntriesByGuest.insert : start_date, start_time, end_time, summary, event_type
- cal.EntriesByProject.insert : start_date, start_time, end_time, summary, event_type
- cal.EventTypes.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, event_label, event_label_fr, event_label_en, planner_column, max_conflicting, max_days, esf_field, email_template, id, all_rooms, locks_user, invite_client, is_appointment, attach_to_email
- cal.EventTypes.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, invite_client
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- cal.Events.detail : event_type, summary, project, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, user, assigned_to, room, priority, transparent, owner, workflow_buttons, description, id, created, modified, state
- cal.Events.insert : summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, event_type, project
- cal.GuestRoles.detail : ref, name, name_fr, name_en, id
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.Guests.checkin : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.Guests.detail : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons, waiting_since, busy_since, gone_since
- cal.Guests.insert : event, partner, role
- cal.RecurrentEvents.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, id, user, event_type, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, every_unit, every, positions, max_events, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, description
- cal.RecurrentEvents.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, start_date, end_date, every_unit, event_type
- cal.Rooms.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, company, contact_person, display_color, description
- cal.Rooms.insert : id, name, name_fr, name_en, display_color, company, contact_person
- cal.Tasks.detail : start_date, due_date, id, workflow_buttons, summary, project, user, delegated, owner, created, modified, description
- cal.Tasks.insert : summary, user, project
- cal.TasksByController.insert : summary, start_date, due_date, user, delegated
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.insert : person, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date, result, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.insert : person, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, language, history, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.insert : person, national_id, language, history
- changes.Changes.detail : time, user, type, master, object, id, diff
- checkdata.Checkers.detail : value, text
- checkdata.Messages.detail : checker, owner, message, user, id
- clients.ClientContactTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, can_refund, is_bailiff
- coachings.CoachingEndings.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, seqno
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : user, summary, waiting_number
- contacts.Companies.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, url, client_contact_type, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, remarks, notes.NotesByCompany, payment_term, vatless.VouchersByPartner, accounting.MovementsByPartner, id, language, activity, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Companies.insert : name, email, type
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- contacts.Partners.detail : overview, id, language, activity, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, country, region, city, zip_code, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, remarks, payment_term, vatless.VouchersByPartner, accounting.MovementsByPartner, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- contacts.Persons.create_household : head, type, partner
- contacts.Persons.detail : overview, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, age, id, language, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByPerson, households.MembersByPerson, humanlinks.LinksByHuman, remarks, payment_term, vatless.VouchersByPartner, accounting.MovementsByPartner, activity, url, client_contact_type, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Persons.insert : first_name, last_name, gender, email
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- contacts.RolesByCompany.insert : person, type
- contacts.RolesByPerson.insert : type, company
- countries.Countries.detail : isocode, name, name_fr, name_en, short_code, inscode, actual_country
- countries.Countries.insert : isocode, inscode, name, name_fr, name_en
- countries.Places.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, country, inscode, zip_code, parent, type, id
- countries.Places.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, country, zip_code, type, parent
- cv.Durations.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.EducationLevels.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, is_study, is_training
- cv.Experiences.detail : person, company, country, city, sector, function, title, status, duration, regime, is_training, start_date, end_date, duration_text, termination_reason, remarks
- cv.ExperiencesByPerson.insert : start_date, end_date, company, function
- cv.Functions.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, sector, remark
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.detail : language, native, has_certificate, cef_level, spoken_passively, spoken, written
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.insert : language, native, has_certificate, cef_level, spoken_passively, spoken, written
- cv.Regimes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Sectors.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, remark
- cv.Statuses.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- cv.Studies.detail : person, start_date, end_date, duration_text, type, content, education_level, state, school, country, city, remarks
- cv.StudiesByPerson.insert : start_date, end_date, type, content
- cv.StudyTypes.detail : name, name_fr, name_en, id, education_level, is_study, is_training
- cv.StudyTypes.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, is_study, is_training, education_level
- cv.Trainings.detail : person, start_date, end_date, duration_text, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city, remarks
- cv.Trainings.insert : person, start_date, end_date, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city
- debts.Accounts.detail : ref, name, name_fr, name_en, group, type, required_for_household, required_for_person, periods, default_amount
- debts.Accounts.insert : ref, group, type, name, name_fr, name_en
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- debts.Budgets.detail : date, partner, id, user, intro, ResultByBudget, DebtsByBudget, AssetsByBudgetSummary, conclusion, dist_amount, printed, total_debt, include_yearly_incomes, print_empty_rows, print_todos, DistByBudget, data_box, summary_box
- debts.Budgets.insert : partner, date, user
- debts.Groups.detail : ref, name, name_fr, name_en, id, account_type, entries_layout
- debts.Groups.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, account_type, ref
- esf.Summaries.detail : master, year, children_at_charge, certified_handicap, other_difficulty, user_modified, education_level, result, remark, id, results
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, content_type, build_method, template, body_template, email_template, shortcut, primary, print_directly, certifying, print_recipient, backward_compat, attach_to_email
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, content_type, primary, certifying, build_method, template, body_template
- excerpts.Excerpts.detail : id, excerpt_type, project, user, build_method, company, contact_person, language, owner, build_time, body_template_content
- finan.BankStatements.detail : entry_date, number, balance1, balance2, narration, workflow_buttons, uploads.UploadsByController, journal, accounting_period, user, id, item_account, item_remark, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- finan.BankStatements.insert : entry_date, balance1
- finan.DisbursementOrders.detail : journal, number, voucher_date, entry_date, accounting_period, item_account, total, workflow_buttons, narration, item_remark, state, user, id, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- finan.DisbursementOrdersByJournal.insert : item_account, voucher_date
- finan.FinancialVouchers.detail : entry_date, number, workflow_buttons, narration, journal, accounting_period, user, id, item_account, item_remark, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- finan.FinancialVouchers.insert : entry_date, narration
- finan.PaymentOrders.detail : entry_date, number, total, execution_date, workflow_buttons, narration, journal, accounting_period, user, id, item_account, item_remark, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- gfks.ContentTypes.detail : id, app_label, model, base_classes
- households.Households.detail : type, prefix, name, id, overview, language, email, phone, gsm
- households.Households.insert : name, type
- households.Households.merge_row : merge_to, households_Member, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- households.HouseholdsByType.detail : type, prefix, name, id, overview, language, email, phone, gsm
- households.HouseholdsByType.insert : name, language
- households.MembersByPerson.insert : person, role, household, primary
- households.Types.detail : name, name_fr, name_en
- humanlinks.Links.detail : parent, type, child
- humanlinks.Links.insert : parent, type, child
- isip.ContractEndings.detail : name, use_in_isip, use_in_jobs, is_success, needs_date_ended
- isip.ContractPartners.detail : company, contact_person, contact_role, duties_company
- isip.ContractPartners.insert : company, contact_person, contact_role
- isip.ContractTypes.detail : id, ref, exam_policy, overlap_group, needs_study_type, name, name_fr, name_en, full_name
- isip.Contracts.detail : id, client, type, user, user_dsbe, user_asd, study_type, applies_from, applies_until, exam_policy, language, date_decided, date_issued, printed, date_ended, ending, stages, goals, duties_person, duties_asd, duties_dsbe, duties_pcsw
- isip.Contracts.insert : client, type
- isip.ExamPolicies.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, max_events, every, every_unit, event_type, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
- jobs.ContractTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, ref, overlap_group
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- jobs.Contracts.detail : id, client, user, user_asd, language, job, type, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, regime, schedule, hourly_rate, refund_rate, reference_person, remark, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, responsibilities
- jobs.Contracts.insert : client, job
- jobs.JobProviders.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, is_social, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, uploads.UploadsByController, notes.NotesByCompany
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- jobs.JobTypes.detail : id, name, is_social
- jobs.Jobs.detail : name, provider, contract_type, type, id, sector, function, capacity, hourly_rate, remark
- jobs.Jobs.insert : name, provider, contract_type, type, sector, function
- : body
- jobs.Offers.detail : name, provider, sector, function, selection_from, selection_until, start_date, remark
- jobs.Schedules.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- languages.Languages.detail : id, iso2, name, name_fr, name_en
- linod.SystemTasks.detail : seqno, procedure, name, every, every_unit, log_level, disabled, status, last_start_time, last_end_time, message
- linod.SystemTasks.insert : procedure, every, every_unit
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- newcomers.Faculties.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, weight
- newcomers.Faculties.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, weight
- notes.EventTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, remark
- notes.NoteTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, build_method, template, special_type, email_template, attach_to_email, remark
- notes.NoteTypes.insert : name, name_fr, name_en, build_method
- notes.Notes.detail : date, time, event_type, type, project, subject, important, company, contact_person, user, language, build_time, id, body, uploads.UploadsByController
- notes.Notes.insert : event_type, type, subject, project
- notes.NotesByProject.insert : event_type, type, subject, project
- outbox.Mails.detail : subject, project, date, user, sent, id, owner, outbox.RecipientsByMail, outbox.AttachmentsByMail, uploads.UploadsByController, body
- outbox.Mails.insert : project, subject, body
- outbox.RecipientsByMail.insert : partner, name, address
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : user, summary, waiting_number
- pcsw.Clients.detail : overview, gender, id, tim_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, age, national_id, nationality, declared_name, civil_state, birth_country, birth_place, language, email, phone, fax, gsm, image, reception.AgentsByClient, dupable_clients.SimilarClients, humanlinks.LinksByHuman, cbss_relations, households.MembersByPerson, workflow_buttons, id_document, broker, faculty, refusal_reason, in_belgium_since, residence_type, gesdos_id, job_agents, group, income_ag, income_wg, income_kg, income_rente, income_misc, seeking_since, unemployed_since, work_permit_suspended_until, needs_residence_permit, needs_work_permit, uploads.UploadsByProject, cvs_emitted, cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson, skills, obstacles, notes.NotesByProject, excerpts.ExcerptsByProject, accounting.MovementsByProject, activity, client_state, noble_condition, unavailable_until, unavailable_why, is_cpas, is_senior, is_obsolete, created, modified, remarks, remarks2, checkdata.MessagesByOwner, contacts.RolesByPerson, cbss_identify_person, cbss_manage_access, cbss_retrieve_ti_groups, cbss_summary
- pcsw.Clients.insert : first_name, last_name, national_id, gender, language
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : merge_to, aids_IncomeConfirmation, aids_RefundConfirmation, aids_SimpleConfirmation, coachings_Coaching, cv_LanguageKnowledge, cv_PersonProperty, dupable_clients_Word, esf_ClientSummary, pcsw_Dispense, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : reason, remark
- periods.StoredPeriods.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- periods.StoredYears.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- properties.PropGroups.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en
- properties.PropTypes.detail : id, name, name_fr, name_en, choicelist, default_value
- properties.Properties.detail : id, group, type, name, name_fr, name_en
- sepa.AccountsByPartner.insert : iban, bic, remark
- system.SiteConfigs.detail : site_company, next_partner_id, job_office, master_budget, signer1, signer2, signer1_function, signer2_function, system_note_type, default_build_method, residence_permit_upload_type, work_permit_upload_type, driving_licence_upload_type, default_event_type, prompt_calendar, hide_events_before, client_guestrole, team_guestrole, cbss_org_unit, sector, ssdn_user_id, ssdn_email, cbss_http_username, cbss_http_password
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.detail : id, name, user, description, text
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.insert : name, user
- uploads.AllUploads.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.AllUploads.insert : type, description, file, volume, library_file, user
- uploads.UploadTypes.detail : id, upload_area, shortcut, name, name_fr, name_en, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value, wanted, max_number
- uploads.UploadTypes.insert : upload_area, name, name_fr, name_en, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : type, description
- uploads.Uploads.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.Uploads.insert : file, type, project, start_date, end_date, needed, description
- uploads.UploadsByController.insert : file, type, end_date, needed, description
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.insert : type, description, file, volume, library_file, user
- uploads.Volumes.detail : ref, root_dir, description, overview
- uploads.Volumes.insert : ref, root_dir, description
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- users.AllUsers.change_password : current, new1, new2
- users.AllUsers.detail : username, user_type, partner, first_name, last_name, initials, email, language, mail_mode, notify_myself, id, created, modified, remarks, event_type, calendar, newcomer_quota, coaching_type, coaching_supervisor, newcomer_consultations, newcomer_appointments
- users.AllUsers.insert : username, email, first_name, last_name, partner, language, user_type
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : merge_to, cal_Subscription, reason
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : verification_code
- vatless.Invoices.detail : journal, number, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, workflow_buttons, partner, payment_term, due_date, bank_account, your_ref, narration, amount, match, state, user, id, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- vatless.Invoices.insert : journal, partner, entry_date
- vatless.InvoicesByJournal.insert : partner, entry_date
- vatless.ProjectInvoicesByJournal.detail : journal, number, entry_date, voucher_date, accounting_period, workflow_buttons, project, narration, partner, your_ref, payment_term, due_date, bank_account, amount, match, state, user, id, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- vatless.ProjectInvoicesByJournal.insert : project, partner, entry_date
- vatless.VouchersByPartner.detail : journal, number, entry_date, accounting_period, accounting.MovementsByVoucher
- xcourses.CourseContents.detail : id, name
- xcourses.CourseOffers.detail : id, title, content, provider, guest_role, description
- xcourses.CourseOffers.insert : provider, content, title
- xcourses.CourseProviders.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, url, client_contact_type, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, notes.NotesByCompany
- xcourses.CourseProviders.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, sepa_Account, reason
- xcourses.CourseRequests.detail : date_submitted, person, content, offer, urgent, course, state, date_ended, id, remark, uploads.UploadsByController
- xcourses.Courses.detail : id, start_date, offer, title, remark
- xcourses.Courses.insert : start_date, offer, title
TODO: explain why the following items were no longer shown in above list after 20190107: : body : body
Windows and permissions¶
Each window layout is viewable by a given set of user types.
>>> print(analyzer.show_window_permissions())
- about.About.reset_password : visible for all
- : visible for all
- about.About.sign_in : visible for all
- about.About.verify_user : visible for all
- accounting.Accounts.detail : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.Accounts.insert : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.Accounts.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- accounting.AllVouchers.detail : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.Journals.detail : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.Journals.insert : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.Journals.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- accounting.PaymentTerms.detail : visible for 510 admin 910
- accounting.PaymentTerms.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- addresses.Addresses.detail : visible for admin 910
- addresses.Addresses.insert : visible for admin 910
- aids.AidTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.AidTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Categories.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Grantings.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Grantings.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.GrantingsByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.IncomeConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.RefundConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.SimpleConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.SimpleConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.Activations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.ActivationsByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- art61.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- art61.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- b2c.Accounts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- b2c.Statements.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- b2c.Transactions.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- boards.Boards.detail : visible for admin 910
- boards.Boards.insert : visible for admin 910
- cal.Calendars.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Calendars.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByGuest.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByProject.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- cal.Events.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cal.Events.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cal.GuestRoles.detail : visible for admin 910
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.checkin : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.RecurrentEvents.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.RecurrentEvents.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Rooms.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Rooms.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Tasks.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Tasks.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.TasksByController.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- changes.Changes.detail : visible for admin 910
- checkdata.Checkers.detail : visible for admin 910
- checkdata.Messages.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- clients.ClientContactTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- coachings.CoachingEndings.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 admin 910
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.Partners.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.Persons.create_household : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.RolesByCompany.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.RolesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- countries.Countries.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Countries.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Places.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Places.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cv.Durations.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.EducationLevels.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Experiences.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.ExperiencesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.Functions.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.Regimes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Sectors.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Statuses.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Studies.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.StudiesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.StudyTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.StudyTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Trainings.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.Trainings.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- debts.Accounts.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Accounts.insert : visible for admin 910
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- debts.Budgets.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Budgets.insert : visible for admin 910
- debts.Groups.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Groups.insert : visible for admin 910
- esf.Summaries.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.detail : visible for admin 910
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.insert : visible for admin 910
- excerpts.Excerpts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- finan.BankStatements.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.BankStatements.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.DisbursementOrders.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.DisbursementOrdersByJournal.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.FinancialVouchers.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.FinancialVouchers.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- finan.PaymentOrders.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- gfks.ContentTypes.detail : visible for admin 910
- households.Households.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Households.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Households.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- households.HouseholdsByType.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.HouseholdsByType.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.MembersByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Types.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- humanlinks.Links.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- humanlinks.Links.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- isip.ContractEndings.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractPartners.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractPartners.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- isip.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- isip.ExamPolicies.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- jobs.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- jobs.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- jobs.JobProviders.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- jobs.JobTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.Jobs.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Jobs.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Offers.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Schedules.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- languages.Languages.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- linod.SystemTasks.detail : visible for admin 910
- linod.SystemTasks.insert : visible for admin 910
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : visible for 110 120 200 220 300 420 800 admin 910
- newcomers.Faculties.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- newcomers.Faculties.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.EventTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.NoteTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.NoteTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.Notes.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- notes.Notes.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- notes.NotesByProject.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- outbox.Mails.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- outbox.Mails.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- outbox.RecipientsByMail.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : visible for 120 200 220 300 420 admin 910
- periods.StoredPeriods.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- periods.StoredYears.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- properties.PropGroups.detail : visible for admin 910
- properties.PropTypes.detail : visible for admin 910
- properties.Properties.detail : visible for admin 910
- sepa.AccountsByPartner.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- system.SiteConfigs.detail : visible for admin 910
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.detail : visible for admin 910
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.insert : visible for admin 910
- uploads.AllUploads.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.AllUploads.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.UploadTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.UploadTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByController.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.change_password : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.detail : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.insert : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : visible for admin 910
- vatless.Invoices.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- vatless.Invoices.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- vatless.InvoicesByJournal.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- vatless.ProjectInvoicesByJournal.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- vatless.ProjectInvoicesByJournal.insert : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- vatless.VouchersByPartner.detail : visible for 500 510 admin 910
- xcourses.CourseContents.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- xcourses.CourseOffers.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- xcourses.CourseOffers.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- xcourses.CourseProviders.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- xcourses.CourseProviders.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- xcourses.CourseRequests.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- xcourses.Courses.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- xcourses.Courses.insert : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
Visibility of eID reader actions¶
Here is a list of the eid card reader actions and their availability per user user_type.
>>> from lino_xl.lib.beid.actions import BaseBeIdReadCardAction
>>> print(analyzer.show_action_permissions(BaseBeIdReadCardAction))
- debts.Clients.find_by_beid : visible for 120 300 420 admin 910
- debts.Clients.read_beid : visible for 120 300 420 admin 910
- integ.Clients.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- integ.Clients.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- newcomers.ClientsByFaculty.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- newcomers.ClientsByFaculty.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- newcomers.NewClients.find_by_beid : visible for 120 200 220 300 420 admin 910
- newcomers.NewClients.read_beid : visible for 120 200 220 300 420 admin 910
- pcsw.AllClients.find_by_beid : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- pcsw.AllClients.read_beid : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- pcsw.ClientsByNationality.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- pcsw.ClientsByNationality.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- pcsw.CoachedClients.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- pcsw.CoachedClients.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- reception.Clients.find_by_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- reception.Clients.read_beid : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
Dialog actions¶
Global list of all actions that have a parameter dialog.
>>> analyzer.show_dialog_actions()
- about.About.reset_password : Reset password
(main) [visible for all]: **E-Mail-Adresse** (email), **Username (optional)** (username), **Neues Passwort** (new1), **Neues Passwort nochmal** (new2)
- about.About.sign_in : Anmelden
(main) [visible for all]:
- (login_panel): **Benutzername** (username), **Passwort** (password)
- about.About.verify_user : Verify
(main) [visible for all]: **E-Mail-Adresse** (email), **Verification code** (verification_code)
- accounting.Accounts.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- accounting.Journals.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begleichungsregeln** (accounting_MatchRule), **Begründung** (reason)
- accounting.PaymentTerms.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : Zusagen
(main) [visible for all]: **Kurzbeschreibung** (notify_subject), **Beschreibung** (notify_body), **Keine Mitteilung an andere** (notify_silent)
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : Absagen
(main) [visible for all]: **Kurzbeschreibung** (notify_subject), **Beschreibung** (notify_body), **Keine Mitteilung an andere** (notify_silent)
- cal.Guests.checkin : Einchecken
(main) [visible for all]: **Kurzbeschreibung** (notify_subject), **Beschreibung** (notify_body), **Keine Mitteilung an andere** (notify_silent)
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : Visite erstellen
(main) [visible for all]: **Benutzer** (user), **Begründung** (summary), **Wartenummer** (waiting_number)
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles): **Adressen** (addresses_Address), **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles): **Adressen** (addresses_Address), **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- contacts.Persons.create_household : Haushalt erstellen
(main) [visible for all]: **Vorstand** (head), **Haushaltsart** (type), **Partner** (partner)
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles): **Adressen** (addresses_Address), **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- households.Households.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles):
- (keep_volatiles_1): **Mitglieder** (households_Member), **Adressen** (addresses_Address)
- **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles): **Adressen** (addresses_Address), **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : Zuweisen
(main) [visible for all]: **Kurzbeschreibung** (notify_subject), **Beschreibung** (notify_body), **Keine Mitteilung an andere** (notify_silent)
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : Visite erstellen
(main) [visible for all]: **Benutzer** (user), **Begründung** (summary), **Wartenummer** (waiting_number)
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles):
- (keep_volatiles_1): **Einkommensbescheinigungen** (aids_IncomeConfirmation), **Kostenübernahmescheine** (aids_RefundConfirmation)
- (keep_volatiles_2): **Einfache Bescheinigungen** (aids_SimpleConfirmation), **Begleitungen** (coachings_Coaching)
- (keep_volatiles_3): **Sprachkenntnisse** (cv_LanguageKnowledge), **Eigenschaften** (cv_PersonProperty)
- (keep_volatiles_4): **Phonetische Wörter** (dupable_clients_Word), **ESF Summaries** (esf_ClientSummary)
- (keep_volatiles_5): **Dispenzen** (pcsw_Dispense), **Adressen** (addresses_Address)
- **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : Ablehnen
(main) [visible for all]: **Ablehnungsgrund** (reason), **Bemerkung** (remark)
- periods.StoredPeriods.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- periods.StoredYears.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : Camera
(main) [visible for all]: **Upload-Art** (type), **Beschreibung** (description)
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Begründung** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.change_password : Passwort ändern
(main) [visible for all]: **Aktuelles Passwort** (current), **Neues Passwort** (new1), **Neues Passwort nochmal** (new2)
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]: **nach...** (merge_to), **Abonnements** (cal_Subscription), **Begründung** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : Verify
(main) [visible for all]: **Verification code** (verification_code)
- xcourses.CourseProviders.merge_row : Fusionieren
(main) [visible for all]:
- **nach...** (merge_to)
- **Auch vergängliche verknüpfte Objekte überweisen** (keep_volatiles): **Adressen** (addresses_Address), **Bankkonten** (sepa_Account)
- **Begründung** (reason)
The murderer bug¶
Before 20150623 it was possible to inadvertently cause a cascaded
delete by calling delete()
on an object in a script. For example the
following line would have deleted client 127 and all related data
instead of raising an exception:
>>> pcsw.Client.objects.get(id=127).delete()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Warning: Kann Partner Evers Eberhart nicht löschen weil 48 Bewegungen darauf verweisen.
Some requests¶
Some choices lists:
>>> kw = dict()
>>> fields = 'count rows'
>>> demo_get('rolf', 'choices/cv/SkillsByPerson/property?mk=127', fields, 6, **kw)
>>> demo_get('rolf', 'choices/cv/ObstaclesByPerson/property?mk=127', fields, 15, **kw)
Learnable combo fields¶
The feature #3419 (contacts.Role.person is now a learning foreign key)
was originally disabled in weleup because the site operator doesn’t like
unrequested changes. But since 20221017 the feature is limited to users having
the Expert
>>> obj = contacts.Role.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> ses = rt.login("hubert")
>>> pprint(obj.create_person_choice("Joe Smith", ses))
Traceback (most recent call last):
django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: ["Cannot create new Person from 'Joe Smith' (You are not an expert)"]
>>> ses = rt.login("robin")
>>> pprint(obj.create_person_choice("Joe Smith", ses, save=False))
Person(name='Smith Joe',first_name='Joe',last_name='Smith')
The gerd demo project sets
-30, which means that users don’t see tasks that are older than 30 days.
Remote virtual fields¶
Here is a list of all remote virtual fields that are being used in a detail window.
>>> for a, sf in walk_store_fields(only_detail_fields=True):
... if "__" in
... print(a, sf, sf.field)
b2c.Statements StoreField 'account__owner_name' b2c.Account.owner_name
b2c.Statements StoreField 'account__account_name' b2c.Account.account_name
b2c.StatementsByAccount StoreField 'account__owner_name' b2c.Account.owner_name
b2c.StatementsByAccount StoreField 'account__account_name' b2c.Account.account_name
>>> show_change_watchers()
| model | master_key | ignored_fields |
| art61.Contract | client__partner_ptr | printed_by |
| cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest | person__partner_ptr | debug_messages environment info_messages |
| | | printed_by request_xml response_xml sent |
| | | status ticket |
| cbss.ManageAccessRequest | person__partner_ptr | debug_messages environment info_messages |
| | | printed_by request_xml response_xml sent |
| | | status ticket |
| cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest | person__partner_ptr | debug_messages environment info_messages |
| | | printed_by request_xml response_xml sent |
| | | status ticket |
| clients.ClientContact | client__partner_ptr | list_item name_column navigation_panel |
| | | overview workflow_buttons |
| coachings.Coaching | client__partner_ptr | list_item name_column navigation_panel |
| | | overview workflow_buttons |
| contacts.Company | contacts.Company.partner_ptr | created modified remarks |
| contacts.Partner | None | address_column contact_details created |
| | | created_natural list_item modified |
| | | mti_navigator municipality name_column |
| | | navigation_panel overview remarks |
| | | workflow_buttons |
| contacts.Person | contacts.Person.partner_ptr | address_column age contact_details |
| | | created created_natural list_item |
| | | modified mti_navigator municipality |
| | | name_column navigation_panel overview |
| | | remarks workflow_buttons |
| households.Household | None | address_column contact_details created |
| | | created_natural list_item modified |
| | | mti_navigator municipality name_column |
| | | navigation_panel overview remarks |
| | | workflow_buttons |
| isip.Contract | client__partner_ptr | printed_by |
| jobs.Candidature | person__partner_ptr | |
| jobs.Contract | client__partner_ptr | printed_by |
| jobs.JobProvider | contacts.Company.partner_ptr | created modified remarks |
| pcsw.Client | contacts.Person.partner_ptr | created modified remarks remarks2 |
| xcourses.CourseProvider | contacts.Company.partner_ptr | created modified remarks |