Clients (Eupen)


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

The detail layout of a client

Here is a textual description of the fields and their layout used in the ClientDetail of a Lino Welfare à la Eupen.

>>> print(py2rst(pcsw.Clients.detail_layout))
(main) [visible for all]:
- **Person** (general):
  - (general_1):
    - **None** (overview)
    - (general2):
      - (general2_1): **Geschlecht** (gender), **ID** (id), **TIM-ID** (tim_id)
      - (general2_2): **Vorname** (first_name), **Zwischenname** (middle_name), **Familienname** (last_name)
      - (general2_3): **Geburtsdatum** (birth_date), **Alter** (age), **NR-Nummer** (national_id)
      - (general2_4): **Staatsangehörigkeit** (nationality), **Deklarierter Name** (declared_name)
      - (general2_5): **Zivilstand** (civil_state), **Geburtsland** (birth_country), **Geburtsort** (birth_place)
    - (general3): **Sprache** (language), **E-Mail-Adresse** (email), **Telefon** (phone), **Fax** (fax), **Handy** (gsm)
    - **None** (image)
  - (general_2) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
    - **Termine** (reception.AppointmentsByPartner)
    - **Termin machen mit** (reception.AgentsByClient)
- **Beziehungen** (contact):
  - (contact_1): **Ähnliche Klienten** (dupable_clients.SimilarClients) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910], **Beziehungen** (humanlinks.LinksByHuman) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910], **ZDSS** (cbss_relations)
  - (contact_2) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
    - **Mitgliedschaft in Haushalten** (households.MembersByPerson)
    - **Haushaltszusammensetzung** (households.SiblingsByPerson)
- **Begleiter** (coaching) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
  - (coaching_1) [visible for 110 120 200 220 300 420 800 admin 910]:
    - (newcomers_left):
      - (newcomers_left_1) [visible for all]: **Workflow** (workflow_buttons), **Identifizierendes Dokument** (id_document)
      - **Vermittler** (broker) [visible for all]
      - **Fachbereich** (faculty) [visible for all]
      - **Ablehnungsgrund** (refusal_reason) [visible for all]
    - **Verfügbare Begleiter** (newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient)
  - (coaching_2):
    - **Kontakte** (clients.ContactsByClient)
    - **Begleitungen** (coachings.CoachingsByClient)
- **Hilfen** (aids_tab):
  - (aids_tab_1):
    - (status):
      - (status_1): **Lebt in Belgien seit** (in_belgium_since), **Einwohnerregister** (residence_type), **Gesdos-Nr** (gesdos_id)
      - (status_2): **Interim-Agenturen** (job_agents), **Integrationsphase** (group)
    - (income):
      - (income_1): **Arbeitslosengeld** (income_ag), **Wartegeld** (income_wg)
      - (income_2): **Krankengeld** (income_kg), **Rente** (income_rente)
      - **andere Einkommen** (income_misc)
  - **Bankkonten** (sepa.AccountsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
  - **Hilfebeschlüsse** (aids.GrantingsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- **Arbeitssuche** (work_tab_1):
  - (suche) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]:
    - **Dispenzen** (pcsw.DispensesByClient)
    - **AG-Sperren** (pcsw.ExclusionsByClient)
  - (papers):
    - (papers_1): **Sucht Arbeit seit** (seeking_since), **Arbeitslos seit** (unemployed_since), **Wartezeit bis** (work_permit_suspended_until)
    - (papers_2): **Braucht Aufenthaltserlaubnis** (needs_residence_permit), **Braucht Arb.Erl.** (needs_work_permit)
    - **Upload-Dateien** (uploads.UploadsByProject) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- **Lebenslauf** (career) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]:
  - **Erstellte Lebensläufe** (cvs_emitted) [visible for all]
  - **Studien** (cv.StudiesByPerson)
  - **Ausbildungen** (cv.TrainingsByPerson)
  - **Berufserfahrungen** (cv.ExperiencesByPerson)
- **Sprachen** (languages) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]:
  - **Sprachkenntnisse** (cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]
  - **Kursanfragen** (xcourses.CourseRequestsByPerson)
- **Kompetenzen** (competences) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]:
  - (competences_1) [visible for all]:
    - **Fachkompetenzen** (cv.SkillsByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]
    - **Sozialkompetenzen** (cv.SoftSkillsByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]
    - **Sonstige Fähigkeiten** (skills)
  - (competences_2) [visible for all]:
    - **Hindernisse** (cv.ObstaclesByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]
    - **Sonstige Hindernisse** (obstacles)
- **Verträge** (contracts) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]:
  - **VSEs** (isip.ContractsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 210 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
  - **Stellenanfragen** (jobs.CandidaturesByPerson)
  - **Art.60§7-Konventionen** (jobs.ContractsByClient)
- **Historie** (history) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]: **Ereignisse/Notizen** (notes.NotesByProject), **Bestehende Auszüge** (excerpts.ExcerptsByProject)
- **Kalender** (calendar) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
  - **Kalendereinträge** (cal.EntriesByClient)
  - **Aufgaben** (cal.TasksByProject)
- **Bewegungen** (accounting.MovementsByProject) [visible for 500 510 admin 910]
- **Sonstiges** (misc) [visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910]:
  - (misc_1) [visible for all]: **Beruf** (activity), **Zustand** (client_state), **Adelstitel** (noble_condition), **Nicht verfügbar bis** (unavailable_until), **Begründung** (unavailable_why)
  - (misc_2) [visible for all]: **Sozialhilfeempfänger** (is_cpas), **Altenheim** (is_senior), **Archiviert** (is_obsolete)
  - (misc_3) [visible for all]: **Erstellt** (created), **Bearbeitet** (modified)
  - (misc_4) [visible for all]: **Bemerkungen** (remarks), **Bemerkungen (Sozialsekretariat)** (remarks2)
  - (misc_5) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]: **Datenproblemmeldungen** (checkdata.MessagesByOwner), **Kontaktperson für** (contacts.RolesByPerson)
- **ZDSS** (cbss) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]:
  - (cbss_1) [visible for all]: **IdentifyPerson-Anfragen** (cbss_identify_person), **ManageAccess-Anfragen** (cbss_manage_access), **Tx25-Anfragen** (cbss_retrieve_ti_groups)
  - **Zusammenfassung ZDSS** (cbss_summary) [visible for all]
- **Schuldnerberatung** (debts) [visible for 120 300 420 admin 910]:
  - **Ist Hauptpartner in folgenden Budgets:** (debts.BudgetsByPartner)
  - **Ist Akteur in folgenden Budgets:** (debts.ActorsByPartner)

Some panels are not visible to everybody. Their visibility is marked between brackets (e.g. [visible for all except anonymous, 210]).

The window itself is visible to everybody:

>>> lh = rt.models.pcsw.Clients.detail_layout.get_layout_handle()
>>> lh.main
<TabPanel main in lino_weleup.lib.pcsw.models.ClientDetail on lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Clients>
>>> list(lh.main.required_roles)
>>> list(lh['general'].required_roles)

But the “Miscellaneous” tab is visible only to users having either the SocialStaff or the ContactsStaff role:

>>> misc = lh['misc']
>>> misc
<Panel misc in lino_weleup.lib.pcsw.models.ClientDetail on lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Clients>
>>> list(misc.required_roles)
[(<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.roles.SocialStaff'>, <class 'lino_xl.lib.contacts.roles.ContactsStaff'>)]