Clients (Chatelet)¶
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_welfare.projects.mathieu.settings.demo')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
The detail layout of a client¶
Here is a textual description of the fields and their layout used in
the ClientDetail
of a
Lino Welfare à la Chatelet.
>>> from lino.utils.diag import py2rst
>>> print(py2rst(pcsw.Clients.detail_layout, True))
(main) [visible for all]:
- **Personne** (general):
- (general_1):
- **None** (overview)
- (general2):
- (general2_1): **Sexe** (gender), **ID** (id), **Nationalité** (nationality)
- **Nom de famille** (last_name)
- (general2_3): **Prénom** (first_name), **Deuxième prénom** (middle_name)
- (general2_4): **Date de naissance** (birth_date), **Âge** (age), **Langue** (language)
- (general3): **adresse e-mail** (email), **Téléphone** (phone), **Fax** (fax), **Mobile** (gsm)
- **None** (image)
- (general_2): **NISS** (national_id), **Etat civil** (civil_state), **Pays de naissance** (birth_country), **Lieu de naissance** (birth_place), **Nom déclaré** (declared_name), **besoin permis de séjour** (needs_residence_permit), **besoin permis de travail** (needs_work_permit)
- (general_3): **en Belgique depuis** (in_belgium_since), **Titre de séjour** (residence_type), **Inscription jusque** (residence_until), **Phase d'insertion** (group), **Type d'aide sociale** (aid_type)
- (general_4) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
- **Rendez-vous** (reception.AppointmentsByPartner)
- **Créer rendez-vous avec** (reception.AgentsByClient)
- **Inscriptions dans Ateliers** (courses.EnrolmentsByPupil) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910]
- **Intervenants** (coaching) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
- (coaching_1) [visible for 110 120 200 220 300 420 800 admin 910]:
- (newcomers_left):
- (newcomers_left_1) [visible for all]: **Workflow** (workflow_buttons), **Document identifiant** (id_document)
- **Spécificité** (faculty) [visible for all]
- **Contacts** (clients.ContactsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- **Agents disponibles** (newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient)
- **Interventions** (coachings.CoachingsByClient)
- **Situation familiale** (family) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
- (family_1) [visible for all]:
- (family_left): **Appartenance aux ménages** (households.MembersByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910], **Garde d'enfant** (child_custody)
- **Composition de ménage** (households.SiblingsByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- **Liens de parenté** (humanlinks.LinksByHuman)
- **Parcours** (career) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]:
- **Études** (cv.StudiesByPerson)
- **Formations** (cv.TrainingsByPerson)
- **Expériences professionnelles** (cv.ExperiencesByPerson)
- **Compétences** (competences) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]:
- **Tests de niveau** (badges.AwardsByHolder) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- **Autres atouts** (skills) [visible for all]
- **Freins** (obstacles_tab) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]:
- **Freins** (cv.ObstaclesByPerson)
- **Autres freins** (obstacles) [visible for all]
- **PIISs** (isip.ContractsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 210 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- **O.I.** (courses_tab) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910]:
- **Inscriptions dans Ateliers d'insertion sociale** (courses.BasicEnrolmentsByPupil)
- **Inscriptions dans Ateliers d'Insertion socioprofessionnelle** (courses.JobEnrolmentsByPupil)
- **Stages d'immersion** (immersion.ContractsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 210 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- **Mise à l'emploi** (contracts) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
- **Candidatures** (jobs.CandidaturesByPerson) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- **Mises à l'emploi art60§7** (art60.ContractsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- (contracts_3):
- **Mises à l'emploi art61** (art61.ContractsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 210 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- **Activations** (art61.ActivationsByClient)
- **Historique** (history):
- **Observations** (notes.NotesByProject) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- (history_right):
- **Fichiers téléchargés** (uploads.UploadsByProject) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]
- (history_right_2): **cherche du travail** (is_seeking), **Inoccupé depuis** (unemployed_since), **Cherche du travail depuis** (seeking_since)
- **Situation chômage** (pcsw.ExclusionsByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910]
- **Fiches FSE** (esf.SummariesByClient) [visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910]
- **Calendrier** (calendar) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]:
- **Entrées calendrier** (cal.EntriesByClient)
- **Tâches** (cal.TasksByProject)
- **Divers** (misc) [visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910]:
- (misc_1) [visible for all]: **Activité** (activity), **État** (client_state), **Titre de noblesse** (noble_condition), **Indisponible jusque** (unavailable_until), **Raison** (unavailable_why)
- (misc_2) [visible for all]: **Archivé** (is_obsolete), **ESF data** (has_esf), **Créé** (created), **Modifié** (modified)
- **Remarques** (remarks) [visible for all]
- (misc_4) [visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910]: **Messages de problème** (checkdata.MessagesByOwner), **contact pour** (contacts.RolesByPerson)
- **Médiation de dettes** (debts) [visible for 120 300 420 admin 910]:
- **Is partner of these budgets:** (debts.BudgetsByPartner)
- **Is actor in these budgets:** (debts.ActorsByPartner)
Some panels are not visible to everybody. Their visibility is marked between brackets (e.g. [visible for all except anonymous, 210]).
The window itself is visible to everybody:
>>> lh = rt.models.pcsw.Clients.detail_layout.get_layout_handle()
>>> lh.main
<TabPanel main in lino_welcht.lib.pcsw.models.ClientDetail on lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Clients>
>>> list(lh.main.required_roles)
The “General” tab is visible to everybody:
>>> list(lh['general'].required_roles)
But e.g. the “Miscellaneous” tab is visible only to users having
the SocialStaff
>>> misc = lh['misc']
>>> misc
<Panel misc in lino_welcht.lib.pcsw.models.ClientDetail on lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Clients>
>>> list(misc.required_roles)
[<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.roles.SocialStaff'>]
Filtering clients about their career¶
Show all clients who were learning between 2011-03-11 and 2012-03-11 (at least):
>>> ses = rt.login('robin')
>>> translation.activate('en')
>>> pv = dict(start_date=i2d(20110311), end_date=i2d(20120311), observed_event=pcsw.ClientEvents.learning)
>>> pv.update(client_state=None)
>>>, column_names="name_column", param_values=pv)
DUBOIS Robin (179)
JACOBS Jacqueline (137)
JONAS Josef (139)
RADERMACHER Alfons (153)
DA VINCI David (165)
Just as a random sample, let’s verify one of these clients. Vincent van Veen does have a training, but that ended only two days after it started:
>>> obj = pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=166)
>>>, obj, column_names="type start_date end_date")
================ ============ ============
Education Type Start date End date
---------------- ------------ ------------
Alpha 01/03/2011 01/05/2011
================ ============ ============
And he has no studies:
>>>, obj, column_names="type start_date end_date")
No data to display
… but a work experience:
>>>, obj, column_names="company country start_date end_date function")
====================== =========== ============ ============ ================
Company Country Start date End date Job title
---------------------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------------
Reinhards Baumschule Australia 27/02/2011 27/03/2011 Cook assistant
====================== =========== ============ ============ ================