The Lino Welfare “Châtelet” variant


Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>) get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.mathieu.settings.demo')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *


The Châtelet variant of Lino Welfare went online in 2013.

From the beginning on it was clear that some functionalities differ.

For example it uses internal courses (, a sub-plugin of instead of external courses (lino_welfare.modlib.xcourses). And the “Courses” are labelled “Workshops” (“Ateliers”). It does not use certain plugins (e.g. cbss, aids), adds some plugins (eg art61, immersion, esf), uses some plugins differently…

In February 2019 the code was moved to its own repository lino_welcht.

Hidden site languages

The default language distribution (languages) is French, Dutch, German and English, but Dutch is currently hidden because we don’t yet have any Flemish speaking users (hidden_languages):

>>> print(' '.join([ for lng in settings.SITE.languages]))
fr nl de en
>>> settings.SITE.hidden_languages

The main menu


>>> show_menu('romain') 
- Contacts : Personnes,  ▶ Bénéficiaires, Organisations, -, Partenaires (tous), Ménages
- Bureau : Mes Notifications, Mes Extraits, Mes fichiers téléchargés à renouveler, Mes Fichiers téléchargés, Mon courrier sortant, Mes Observations, Mes messages de problème de données
- Calendrier : Calendrier, Mes rendez-vous, Rendez-vous dépassés, Mes rendez-vous à confirmer, Mes tâches, Mes visiteurs, Mes présences, Mes rendez-vous dépassés, Calendrier
- Réception : Bénéficiaires, Rendez-vous aujourd'hui, Salle d'attente, Visiteurs occupés, Visiteurs repartis, Visiteurs qui m'attendent
- CPAS : Bénéficiaires, Mes Interventions, Octrois à confirmer
- Insertion :
  - Bénéficiaires
  - PIISs
  - Services utilisateurs
  - Employeurs
  - Postes de travail
  - Offres d'emploi
  - Mes contrats art60§7 (SI)
  - Mes contrats art60§7 (SSG)
  - Mises à l'emploi art61
  - Stages d'immersion
  - BCSS : Mes Requêtes IdentifyPerson, Mes Requêtes ManageAccess, Mes Requêtes Tx25
- Ateliers : Mes Ateliers, Ateliers d'insertion sociale, Ateliers d'Insertion socioprofessionnelle, -, Séries d'ateliers, Demandes d’inscription en attente, Demandes d’inscription confirmées, Mes ateliers donnés
- Nouvelles demandes : Nouveaux bénéficiaires, Agents disponibles
- Médiation de dettes : Bénéficiaires, Mes Budgets
- Questionnaires : Mes Questionnaires, Mes Interviews
- Rapports :
  - Insertion : Agents et leurs bénéficiaires, Situation contrats Art 60-7, Rapport d'activité
- Configuration :
  - Système : Paramètres du Site, Utilisateurs, System tasks
  - Endroits : Pays, Endroits
  - Contacts : Formes juridiques, Fonctions, Conseils, Types de ménage
  - Bureau : Types d'extrait, Libraries de fichiers, Types de téléchargement, Types d'observation, Types d'événements, Mes Text Field Templates
  - Calendrier : Calendriers, Locaux, Évènements periodiques, Rôles de participants, Types d'entrée calendrier, Règles de récurrence, Calendriers externes, Lignes de planificateur
  - Ateliers : Savoirs de base, Topics, Timetable Slots
  - CPAS : Phases d'insertion, Activités, Types d'exclusion du chômage, Motifs de dispense, Droits chômage, Types d'aide sociale, Catégories, Types de contact client, Services, Raisons d’arrêt d'intervention
  - Parcours : Types d'éducation, Niveaux académiques, Secteurs d'activité, Fonctions professionnelles, Régimes de travail, Statuts, Types de contrat, Types de compétence sociale, Types de freins, Preuves de qualification, Langues
  - Insertion : Types de PIIS, Motifs d’arrêt de contrat, Régimes d'évaluation, Types de mise à l'emploi art60§7, Types de poste, Horaires, Types de mise à l'emploi art.61, Types de stage d'immersion, Objectifs
  - Nouvelles demandes : Intermédiaires, Spécificités
  - BCSS : Secteurs, Codes fonction
  - Médiation de dettes : Groupes de comptes, Comptes, Budget modèle
  - Questionnaires : Listes de choix
- Explorateur :
  - Contacts : Personnes de contact, Partenaires, Types d'adresses, Adresses, Membres du conseil, Rôles de membres de ménage, Membres de ménage, Liens de parenté, Types de parenté
  - Système : Procurations, Types d'utilisateur, Rôles d'utilisateur, Notifications, Changes, All dashboard widgets, Types de contenu, Background procedures, Tests de données, Messages de problème
  - Bureau : Extraits, Fichiers téléchargés, Domaines de téléchargement, Mails envoyés, Pièces jointes, Observations, Text Field Templates, Mentions
  - Calendrier : Entrées calendrier, Tâches, Présences, Abonnements, Entry states, Presence states, Task states, Colonnes planificateur, Display colors
  - Ateliers : Tests de niveau, Ateliers, Inscriptions, États Inscription, Course layouts, États Atelier
  - CPAS : Exclusions du chômage, Antécédents judiciaires, Bénéficiaires, Etats civils, Etats bénéficiaires, Types de carte eID, Octrois d'aide, Certificats de revenu, Refund confirmations, Confirmations simple, Contacts client, Types de contact connus, Interventions
  - Parcours : Connaissances de langue, Formations, Études, Expériences professionnelles, Connaissances de langue, Compétences professionnelles, Compétences sociales, Freins
  - Insertion : PIISs, Mises à l'emploi art60§7, Candidatures, Partenaires bénéficiaires, Mises à l'emploi art60§7, Mises à l'emploi art61, Stages d'immersion, Preuves de recherche, Fiches FSE, Champs FSE
  - Nouvelles demandes : Compétences
  - BCSS : Requêtes IdentifyPerson, Requêtes ManageAccess, Requêtes Tx25
  - Médiation de dettes : Budgets, Entrées
  - Questionnaires : Questionnaires, Questions, Choix, Interviews, Choix de réponse, Answer Remarks
- Site : à propos, Sessions utilisateurs


Theresia est un agent d’accueil. Elle ne voit pas les questionnaires, les données de parcours, compétences professionnelles, compétences sociales, freins. Elle peut faire des requètes CBSS. Elle peut modifier les intervention d’autres utilisateurs.

>>> rt.login('theresia').user.user_type
>>> show_menu('theresia') 
- Contacts : Personnes,  ▶ Bénéficiaires, Organisations, -, Partenaires (tous), Ménages
- Bureau : Mes Extraits, Mes fichiers téléchargés à renouveler, Mes Fichiers téléchargés, Mes Observations
- Calendrier : Public calendar entries
- Réception : Bénéficiaires, Rendez-vous aujourd'hui, Salle d'attente, Visiteurs occupés, Visiteurs repartis
- CPAS : Mes Interventions
- Insertion :
  - BCSS : Mes Requêtes IdentifyPerson, Mes Requêtes ManageAccess, Mes Requêtes Tx25
- Ateliers : Mes Ateliers, Ateliers d'insertion sociale, Ateliers d'Insertion socioprofessionnelle, -, Séries d'ateliers
- Configuration :
  - Endroits : Pays, Endroits
  - Contacts : Formes juridiques, Fonctions, Types de ménage
  - CPAS : Types d'aide sociale, Catégories, Types de contact client, Services, Raisons d’arrêt d'intervention
- Explorateur :
  - Contacts : Personnes de contact, Partenaires, Rôles de membres de ménage, Membres de ménage, Liens de parenté, Types de parenté
  - CPAS : Etats bénéficiaires, Octrois d'aide, Certificats de revenu, Refund confirmations, Confirmations simple, Contacts client, Types de contact connus, Interventions
- Site : à propos

Checkdata results

>>>, max_width=35)
| Utilisateur responsable | Database object                     | Texte du message                    | Checker                             |
| Robin Rood              |                                     | File uploads/2014/05/foo.pdf has no | uploads.UploadsFolderChecker (Find  |
|                         |                                     | upload entry.                       | orphaned files in uploads folder)   |
| Robin Rood              | `Permis de séjour                   | Upload entry uploads/2014/05/reside | uploads.UploadChecker (Check        |
|                         | residence_permit.pdf <…>`__         | nce_permit.pdf has no file          | metadata of upload files)           |
| Robin Rood              | `Ascension (29.05.2014) <…>`__      | Event conflicts with 4 other        | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         |                                     | events.                             | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Robin Rood              | `Pentecôte (09.06.2014) <…>`__      | Event conflicts with 3 other        | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         |                                     | events.                             | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Romain Raffault         | `Internal meetings with client      | Event conflicts with Pentecôte      | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         | (09.06.2014 09:00) <…>`__           | (09.06.2014).                       | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Alicia Allmanns         | `Consultation (29.05.2014 08:30)    | Event conflicts with Ascension      | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         | avec JANSEN Jérémy (136) <…>`__     | (29.05.2014).                       | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Alicia Allmanns         | `Petit-déjeuner (09.06.2014 09:40)  | Event conflicts with Pentecôte      | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         | avec LAMBERTZ Guido (142) <…>`__    | (09.06.2014).                       | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Hubert Huppertz         | `Réunion (09.06.2014 10:20) avec    | Event conflicts with Pentecôte      | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         | LASCHET Laura (143) <…>`__          | (09.06.2014).                       | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Patrick Paraneau        | `Absent for private reasons         | Event conflicts with Ascension      | cal.ConflictingEventsChecker (Check |
|                         | (29.05.2014) <…>`__                 | (29.05.2014).                       | for conflicting calendar entries)   |
| Caroline Carnol         | `FAYMONVILLE Luc (130*) <…>`__      | Both coached and obsolete.          | coachings.ClientCoachingsChecker    |
|                         |                                     |                                     | (Check coachings)                   |
| Caroline Carnol         | `DENON Denis (180*) <…>`__          | Both coached and obsolete.          | coachings.ClientCoachingsChecker    |
|                         |                                     |                                     | (Check coachings)                   |

Database structure

This is the list of models used in the Châtelet variant of Lino Welfare:

>>> analyzer.show_db_overview() 
65 plugins: lino, printing, system, about, jinja, bootstrap3, extjs, help, office, xl, countries, contacts, appypod, humanize, users, contenttypes, gfks, memo, linod, notify, changes, checkdata, addresses, excerpts, uploads, outbox, extensible, cal, reception, calview, badges, boards, clients, coachings, pcsw, welfare, trading, languages, cv, integ, isip, jobs, art60, art61, immersion, active_job_search, courses, newcomers, cbss, households, humanlinks, debts, notes, aids, polls, summaries, weasyprint, esf, beid, dashboard, export_excel, tinymce, lino_welcht, staticfiles, sessions.
140 models:
============================== =============================== ========= =======
 Name                           Default table                   #fields   #rows
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------- -------
 active_job_search.Proof        active_job_search.Proofs        7         10
 addresses.Address              addresses.Addresses             16        166
 aids.AidType                   aids.AidTypes                   23        11
 aids.Category                  aids.Categories                 5         3
 aids.Granting                  aids.Grantings                  12        54
 aids.IncomeConfirmation        aids.IncomeConfirmations        17        52
 aids.RefundConfirmation        aids.RefundConfirmations        18        12
 aids.SimpleConfirmation        aids.SimpleConfirmations        15        19
 art60.Contract                 art60.Contracts                 18        14
 art60.Convention               art60.Conventions               14        14
 art61.Activation               art61.Activations               10        0
 art61.Contract                 art61.Contracts                 38        6
 art61.ContractType             art61.ContractTypes             10        1
 badges.Award                   badges.Awards                   6         0
 badges.Badge                   badges.Badges                   5         0
 boards.Board                   boards.Boards                   7         3
 boards.Member                  boards.Members                  4         0
 cal.Calendar                   cal.Calendars                   7         ...
 cal.EntryRepeater              cal.EntryRepeaterTable          17        0
 cal.Event                      cal.Events                      26        551
 cal.EventPolicy                cal.EventPolicies               21        6
 cal.EventType                  cal.EventTypes                  28        13
 cal.Guest                      cal.Guests                      10        675
 cal.GuestRole                  cal.GuestRoles                  6         4
 cal.RecurrentEvent             cal.RecurrentEvents             23        15
 cal.RemoteCalendar             cal.RemoteCalendars             7         0
 cal.Room                       cal.Rooms                       11        0
 cal.Subscription               cal.Subscriptions               4         9
 cal.Task                       cal.Tasks                       18        28
 calview.DailyPlannerRow        calview.DailyPlannerRows        8         2
 cbss.IdentifyPersonRequest     cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests     21        5
 cbss.ManageAccessRequest       cbss.ManageAccessRequests       24        1
 cbss.Purpose                   cbss.Purposes                   7         106
 cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequest   cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests   15        6
 cbss.Sector                    cbss.Sectors                    11        209
 changes.Change                 changes.Changes                 10        0
 checkdata.Message              checkdata.Messages              6         11
 clients.ClientContact          clients.ClientContacts          7         14
 clients.ClientContactType      clients.ClientContactTypes      8         10
 coachings.Coaching             coachings.Coachings             8         90
 coachings.CoachingEnding       coachings.CoachingEndings       7         4
 coachings.CoachingType         coachings.CoachingTypes         8         3
 contacts.Company               contacts.Companies              29        42
 contacts.CompanyType           contacts.CompanyTypes           9         16
 contacts.Partner               contacts.Partners               25        165
 contacts.Person                contacts.Persons                32        109
 contacts.Role                  contacts.Roles                  4         13
 contacts.RoleType              contacts.RoleTypes              7         5
 contenttypes.ContentType       gfks.ContentTypes               3         ...
 countries.Country              countries.Countries             9         224
 countries.Place                countries.Places                11        80
 courses.Course                 courses.Activities              31        7
 courses.Enrolment              courses.Enrolments              15        100
 courses.Line                   courses.Lines                   24        7
 courses.Slot                   courses.Slots                   5         0
 courses.Topic                  courses.Topics                  5         0
 cv.Duration                    cv.Durations                    5         5
 cv.EducationLevel              cv.EducationLevels              8         5
 cv.Experience                  cv.Experiences                  18        30
 cv.Function                    cv.Functions                    7         4
 cv.LanguageKnowledge           cv.LanguageKnowledges           10        112
 cv.Obstacle                    cv.Obstacles                    6         20
 cv.ObstacleType                cv.ObstacleTypes                5         4
 cv.Proof                       cv.Proofs                       5         4
 cv.Regime                      cv.Regimes                      5         3
 cv.Sector                      cv.Sectors                      6         14
 cv.Skill                       cv.Skills                       6         0
 cv.SoftSkill                   cv.SoftSkills                   5         0
 cv.SoftSkillType               cv.SoftSkillTypes               5         0
 cv.Status                      cv.Statuses                     5         7
 cv.Study                       cv.Studies                      15        22
 cv.StudyType                   cv.StudyTypes                   8         11
 cv.Training                    cv.Trainings                    17        20
 dashboard.Widget               dashboard.Widgets               5         0
 debts.Account                  debts.Accounts                  13        51
 debts.Actor                    debts.Actors                    6         63
 debts.Budget                   debts.Budgets                   11        17
 debts.Entry                    debts.Entries                   16        871
 debts.Group                    debts.Groups                    8         8
 esf.ClientSummary              esf.Summaries                   24        189
 excerpts.Excerpt               excerpts.Excerpts               12        93
 excerpts.ExcerptType           excerpts.ExcerptTypes           18        20
 households.Household           households.Households           27        14
 households.Member              households.Members              14        63
 households.Type                households.Types                5         6
 humanlinks.Link                humanlinks.Links                4         59
 immersion.Contract             immersion.Contracts             25        8
 immersion.ContractType         immersion.ContractTypes         9         3
 immersion.Goal                 immersion.Goals                 5         4
 isip.Contract                  isip.Contracts                  24        29
 isip.ContractEnding            isip.ContractEndings            6         4
 isip.ContractPartner           isip.ContractPartners           8         33
 isip.ContractType              isip.ContractTypes              11        5
 isip.ExamPolicy                isip.ExamPolicies               21        6
 jobs.Candidature               jobs.Candidatures               10        74
 jobs.ContractType              jobs.ContractTypes              10        5
 jobs.Employer                  jobs.Employers                  31        2
 jobs.Job                       jobs.Jobs                       11        8
 jobs.JobProvider               jobs.JobProviders               31        3
 jobs.JobType                   jobs.JobTypes                   5         5
 jobs.Offer                     jobs.Offers                     9         1
 jobs.Schedule                  jobs.Schedules                  5         3
 languages.Language             languages.Languages             6         5
 linod.SystemTask               linod.SystemTasks               24        8
 memo.Mention                   memo.Mentions                   5         0
 newcomers.Broker               newcomers.Brokers               2         2
 newcomers.Competence           newcomers.Competences           5         7
 newcomers.Faculty              newcomers.Faculties             6         5
 notes.EventType                notes.EventTypes                10        10
 notes.Note                     notes.Notes                     18        118
 notes.NoteType                 notes.NoteTypes                 12        13
 notify.Message                 notify.Messages                 11        12
 outbox.Attachment              outbox.Attachments              4         0
 outbox.Mail                    outbox.Mails                    9         63
 outbox.Recipient               outbox.Recipients               6         63
 pcsw.Activity                  pcsw.Activities                 3         0
 pcsw.AidType                   pcsw.AidTypes                   5         0
 pcsw.Client                    pcsw.Clients                    69        63
 pcsw.Conviction                pcsw.Convictions                5         0
 pcsw.Dispense                  pcsw.Dispenses                  6         0
 pcsw.DispenseReason            pcsw.DispenseReasons            6         4
 pcsw.Exclusion                 pcsw.Exclusions                 9         0
 pcsw.ExclusionType             pcsw.ExclusionTypes             2         2
 pcsw.PersonGroup               pcsw.PersonGroups               4         5
 pcsw.UnemploymentRight         pcsw.UnemploymentRights         4         0
 polls.AnswerChoice             polls.AnswerChoices             4         88
 polls.AnswerRemark             polls.AnswerRemarks             4         0
 polls.Choice                   polls.Choices                   7         39
 polls.ChoiceSet                polls.ChoiceSets                5         9
 polls.Poll                     polls.Polls                     11        2
 polls.Question                 polls.Questions                 9         38
 polls.Response                 polls.Responses                 7         6
 sessions.Session               users.Sessions                  3         ...
 system.SiteConfig              system.SiteConfigs              31        1
 tinymce.TextFieldTemplate      tinymce.TextFieldTemplates      5         2
 uploads.Upload                 uploads.Uploads                 20        7
 uploads.UploadType             uploads.UploadTypes             11        9
 uploads.Volume                 uploads.Volumes                 4         1
 users.Authority                users.Authorities               3         3
 users.User                     users.AllUsers                  29        12
============================== =============================== ========= =======

user types

We use the user types described in The Lino Welfare Standard User Types. Here are their French labels.

>>> settings.SITE.user_types_module
======= =========== =====================================
 value   name        text
------- ----------- -------------------------------------
 000     anonymous   Anonyme
 100                 Agent d'insertion
 110                 Agent d'insertion (chef de service)
 120                 Agent d'insertion (Flexible)
 130                 Agent d'insertion et d'accueil
 200                 Consultant nouveaux bénéficiaires
 210                 Agent d'accueil
 220                 Agent d'accueil (Flexible)
 300                 Médiateur de dettes
 400                 Agent social
 410                 Agent social (Chef de service)
 420                 Agent social (Flexible)
 430                 Agent social et d'accueil
 500                 Comptable
 510                 Comptable (Chef de service)
 800                 Supervisor
 900     admin       Administrateur
 910                 Security advisor
======= =========== =====================================

List of window layouts

The following table lists information about all data entry form definitions (called window layouts) used by Lino Welfare. There are detail layouts, insert layouts and action parameter layouts.

Each window layout defines a given set of fields.

>>> print(analyzer.show_window_fields()) 
- about.About.reset_password : email, username, new1, new2
- : about_html
- about.About.sign_in : username, password
- about.About.verify_user : email, verification_code
- active_job_search.Proofs.detail : date, client, company, id, spontaneous, response, remarks
- addresses.Addresses.detail : country, city, zip_code, addr1, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, address_type, remark, data_source, partner
- addresses.Addresses.insert : country, city, street, street_no, street_box, address_type, remark
- aids.AidTypes.detail : id, short_name, confirmation_type, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, excerpt_title, excerpt_title_nl, excerpt_title_de, excerpt_title_en, body_template, print_directly, is_integ_duty, is_urgent, confirmed_by_primary_coach, board, company, contact_person, contact_role, pharmacy_type
- aids.AidTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, confirmation_type
- aids.Categories.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- aids.Grantings.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, request_date, board, decision_date, aid_type, category, start_date, end_date, custom_actions
- aids.Grantings.insert : client, aid_type, signer, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date
- aids.GrantingsByClient.insert : aid_type, board, decision_date, start_date, end_date
- aids.IncomeConfirmations.detail : client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, printed, company, contact_person, language, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, id, remark
- aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert : client, granting, start_date, end_date, category, amount, company, contact_person, language, remark
- aids.RefundConfirmations.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting.insert : start_date, end_date, doctor_type, doctor, pharmacy, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.SimpleConfirmations.detail : id, client, user, signer, workflow_buttons, granting, start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, printed, remark
- aids.SimpleConfirmationsByGranting.insert : start_date, end_date, company, contact_person, language, remark
- art60.Contracts.detail : id, client, user, user_asd, language, type, printed, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, remark, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, art60.ConventionsByContract
- art60.Contracts.insert : client, type, user_asd
- art60.Conventions.detail : id, contract, job, company, contact_person, contact_role, start_date, reference_person, regime, schedule, monthly_refund, responsibilities, uploads.UploadsByController
- art60.Conventions.insert : job, start_date
- art61.Activations.detail : client, id, remark, amount, company, contact_person, contact_role, start_date, end_date
- art61.ActivationsByClient.insert : company, contact_person, contact_role, start_date, end_date, amount, remark
- art61.ContractTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, ref, overlap_group
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- art61.Contracts.detail : id, client, user, language, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, duration, applies_until, exam_policy, type, sector, function, job_title, status, cv_duration, regime, reference_person, remark, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, sub_10_amount, sub_20_amount, sub_30_amount, sub_10_start, sub_20_start, sub_30_start, sub_10_end, sub_20_end, sub_30_end, responsibilities, uploads.UploadsByController
- art61.Contracts.insert : client, company, type, function
- boards.Boards.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- boards.Boards.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- cal.Calendars.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, color, id, description
- cal.Calendars.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, color
- cal.EntriesByClient.insert : event_type, summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time
- cal.EntriesByGuest.insert : start_date, start_time, end_time, summary, event_type
- cal.EntriesByProject.insert : start_date, start_time, end_time, summary, event_type
- cal.EventTypes.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, event_label, event_label_nl, event_label_de, event_label_en, planner_column, max_conflicting, max_days, esf_field, email_template, id, all_rooms, locks_user, invite_client, is_appointment, attach_to_email
- cal.EventTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, invite_client
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- cal.Events.detail : event_type, summary, project, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, user, assigned_to, room, priority, transparent, owner, workflow_buttons, description, id, created, modified, state
- cal.Events.insert : summary, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, event_type, project
- cal.GuestRoles.detail : ref, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, id
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.Guests.checkin : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- cal.Guests.detail : event, client, role, state, remark, workflow_buttons, waiting_since, busy_since, gone_since
- cal.Guests.insert : event, partner, role
- cal.RecurrentEvents.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, id, user, event_type, start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, every_unit, every, positions, max_events, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, description
- cal.RecurrentEvents.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, start_date, end_date, every_unit, event_type
- cal.Rooms.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, company, contact_person, display_color, description
- cal.Rooms.insert : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, display_color, company, contact_person
- cal.Tasks.detail : start_date, due_date, id, workflow_buttons, summary, project, user, delegated, owner, created, modified, description
- cal.Tasks.insert : summary, user, project
- cal.TasksByController.insert : summary, start_date, due_date, user, delegated
- calview.DailyView.detail :
- calview.MonthlyView.detail :
- calview.WeeklyView.detail :
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.insert : person, national_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birth_date, tolerance, gender
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date, result, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.insert : person, action, start_date, end_date, purpose, query_register, national_id, sis_card_no, id_card_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.detail : id, person, user, sent, status, printed, national_id, language, history, environment, ticket, info_messages, debug_messages
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.insert : person, national_id, language, history
- changes.Changes.detail : time, user, type, master, object, id, diff
- checkdata.Checkers.detail : value, text
- checkdata.Messages.detail : checker, owner, message, user, id
- clients.ClientContactTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- coachings.CoachingEndings.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, seqno
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : user, summary, waiting_number
- contacts.Companies.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, url, client_contact_type, job_provider, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, remarks, notes.NotesByCompany, id, language, activity, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Companies.insert : name, email, type
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, reason
- contacts.Partners.detail : overview, id, language, activity, client_contact_type, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, country, region, city, zip_code, addr1, street_prefix, street, street_no, street_box, addr2, remarks, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, reason
- contacts.Persons.create_household : head, type, partner
- contacts.Persons.detail : overview, title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, birth_date, age, id, language, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByPerson, households.MembersByPerson, humanlinks.LinksByHuman, remarks, activity, url, client_contact_type, is_obsolete, created, modified
- contacts.Persons.insert : first_name, last_name, gender, email
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : merge_to, cv_LanguageKnowledge, cv_Obstacle, cv_Skill, cv_SoftSkill, addresses_Address, reason
- contacts.RolesByCompany.insert : person, type
- contacts.RolesByPerson.insert : type, company
- countries.Countries.detail : isocode, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, short_code, inscode, actual_country
- countries.Countries.insert : isocode, inscode, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- countries.Places.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, country, inscode, zip_code, parent, type, id
- countries.Places.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, country, zip_code, type, parent
- courses.Activities.detail : line, teacher, start_date, start_time, end_time, end_date, room, workflow_buttons, id, user, name, description, description_nl, description_de, description_en, max_events, max_date, every_unit, every, positions, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, enrolments_until, max_places, confirmed, free_places, print_actions, EnrolmentsByCourse
- courses.Activities.insert : line, teacher, name, start_date
- courses.Activities.print_description : start_date, end_date, show_remarks, show_states
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet : start_date, end_date, show_remarks, show_states
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet_html : start_date, end_date, show_remarks, show_states
- courses.Enrolments.detail : request_date, user, course, pupil, remark, workflow_buttons, printed, motivation, problems
- courses.Enrolments.insert : request_date, user, course, pupil, remark
- courses.EnrolmentsByCourse.insert : pupil, remark, request_date, user
- courses.EnrolmentsByPupil.insert : course_area, course, places, remark, request_date, user
- courses.Lines.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, ref, company, contact_person, course_area, topic, body_template, event_type, guest_role, every_unit, every, excerpt_title, excerpt_title_nl, excerpt_title_de, excerpt_title_en, description, description_nl, description_de, description_en
- courses.Lines.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, ref, topic, every_unit, every, event_type, description, description_nl, description_de, description_en
- courses.Lines.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- courses.Slots.detail : name, start_time, end_time
- courses.Slots.insert : start_time, end_time, name
- courses.Topics.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- cv.Durations.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- cv.EducationLevels.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, is_study, is_training
- cv.Experiences.detail : person, company, country, city, sector, function, title, status, duration, regime, is_training, start_date, end_date, duration_text, termination_reason, remarks
- cv.ExperiencesByPerson.insert : start_date, end_date, company, function
- cv.Functions.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, sector, remark
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.detail : language, native, has_certificate, cef_level, spoken_passively, spoken, written
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.insert : language, native, has_certificate, cef_level, spoken_passively, spoken, written
- cv.ObstacleTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- cv.Regimes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- cv.Sectors.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, remark
- cv.Statuses.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- cv.Studies.detail : person, start_date, end_date, duration_text, type, content, education_level, state, school, country, city, remarks
- cv.StudiesByPerson.insert : start_date, end_date, type, content
- cv.StudyTypes.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, id, education_level, is_study, is_training
- cv.StudyTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, is_study, is_training, education_level
- cv.Trainings.detail : person, start_date, end_date, duration_text, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city, remarks
- cv.Trainings.insert : person, start_date, end_date, type, state, certificates, sector, function, school, country, city
- debts.Accounts.detail : ref, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, group, type, required_for_household, required_for_person, periods, default_amount
- debts.Accounts.insert : ref, group, type, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- debts.Budgets.detail : date, partner, id, user, intro, ResultByBudget, DebtsByBudget, AssetsByBudgetSummary, conclusion, dist_amount, printed, total_debt, include_yearly_incomes, print_empty_rows, print_todos, DistByBudget, data_box, summary_box
- debts.Budgets.insert : partner, date, user
- debts.Groups.detail : ref, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, id, account_type, entries_layout
- debts.Groups.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, account_type, ref
- esf.Summaries.detail : master, year, children_at_charge, certified_handicap, other_difficulty, user_modified, education_level, result, remark, id, results
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, content_type, build_method, template, body_template, email_template, shortcut, primary, print_directly, certifying, print_recipient, backward_compat, attach_to_email
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, content_type, primary, certifying, build_method, template, body_template
- excerpts.Excerpts.detail : id, excerpt_type, project, user, build_method, company, contact_person, language, owner, build_time, body_template_content
- gfks.ContentTypes.detail : id, app_label, model, base_classes
- households.Households.detail : type, prefix, name, id, overview, language, email, phone, gsm
- households.Households.insert : name, type
- households.Households.merge_row : merge_to, households_Member, addresses_Address, reason
- households.HouseholdsByType.detail : type, prefix, name, id, overview, language, email, phone, gsm
- households.HouseholdsByType.insert : name, language
- households.MembersByPerson.insert : person, role, household, primary
- households.Types.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- humanlinks.Links.detail : parent, type, child
- humanlinks.Links.insert : parent, type, child
- immersion.ContractTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, exam_policy, template, overlap_group, full_name
- immersion.ContractTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, exam_policy
- immersion.Contracts.detail : id, client, user, language, type, goal, company, contact_person, contact_role, applies_from, applies_until, exam_policy, sector, function, reference_person, printed, date_decided, date_issued, date_ended, ending, remark
- immersion.Contracts.insert : client, company, type, goal
- immersion.Goals.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- isip.ContractEndings.detail : name, use_in_isip, use_in_jobs, is_success, needs_date_ended
- isip.ContractPartners.detail : company, contact_person, contact_role, duties_company
- isip.ContractPartners.insert : company, contact_person, contact_role
- isip.ContractTypes.detail : id, ref, exam_policy, overlap_group, needs_study_type, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, full_name
- isip.Contracts.detail : id, client, type, user, user_asd, study_type, applies_from, applies_until, exam_policy, language, date_decided, date_issued, printed, date_ended, ending, uploads.UploadsByController
- isip.Contracts.insert : client, type
- isip.ExamPolicies.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, max_events, every, every_unit, event_type, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
- jobs.ContractTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, ref, overlap_group
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- jobs.Employers.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, is_social, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, uploads.UploadsByController, notes.NotesByCompany
- jobs.Employers.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, reason
- jobs.JobProviders.detail : overview, prefix, name, type, vat_id, client_contact_type, is_social, url, email, phone, gsm, fax, contacts.RolesByCompany, jobs.WorkplacesByProvider, uploads.UploadsByController, notes.NotesByCompany
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : merge_to, addresses_Address, reason
- jobs.JobTypes.detail : id, name, is_social
- jobs.Jobs.detail : name, provider, workplace, contract_type, type, id, sector, function, capacity, hourly_rate, remark
- jobs.Jobs.insert : name, provider, contract_type, type, sector, function
- : body
- jobs.Offers.detail : name, provider, sector, function, selection_from, selection_until, start_date, remark
- jobs.Schedules.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- languages.Languages.detail : id, iso2, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- linod.SystemTasks.detail : seqno, procedure, name, every, every_unit, log_level, disabled, status, last_start_time, last_end_time, message
- linod.SystemTasks.insert : procedure, every, every_unit
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : notify_subject, notify_body, notify_silent
- newcomers.Faculties.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, weight
- newcomers.Faculties.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, weight
- notes.EventTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, remark
- notes.NoteTypes.detail : id, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, build_method, template, special_type, email_template, attach_to_email, remark
- notes.NoteTypes.insert : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, build_method
- notes.Notes.detail : date, time, event_type, type, project, subject, important, company, contact_person, user, language, build_time, id, body, uploads.UploadsByController
- notes.Notes.insert : event_type, type, subject, project
- notes.NotesByProject.insert : event_type, type, subject, project
- outbox.Mails.detail : subject, project, date, user, sent, id, owner, outbox.RecipientsByMail, outbox.AttachmentsByMail, uploads.UploadsByController, body
- outbox.Mails.insert : project, subject, body
- outbox.RecipientsByMail.insert : partner, name, address
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : user, summary, waiting_number
- pcsw.Clients.detail : overview, gender, id, nationality, last_name, first_name, middle_name, birth_date, age, language, email, phone, fax, gsm, image, national_id, civil_state, birth_country, birth_place, declared_name, needs_residence_permit, needs_work_permit, in_belgium_since, residence_type, residence_until, group, aid_type, reception.AgentsByClient, workflow_buttons, id_document, faculty, households.MembersByPerson, child_custody, humanlinks.LinksByHuman, skills, obstacles, is_seeking, unemployed_since, seeking_since, activity, client_state, noble_condition, unavailable_until, unavailable_why, is_obsolete, has_esf, created, modified, remarks, checkdata.MessagesByOwner, contacts.RolesByPerson
- pcsw.Clients.insert : first_name, last_name, national_id, gender, language
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : merge_to, aids_IncomeConfirmation, aids_RefundConfirmation, aids_SimpleConfirmation, coachings_Coaching, esf_ClientSummary, pcsw_Dispense, cv_LanguageKnowledge, cv_Obstacle, cv_Skill, cv_SoftSkill, addresses_Address, reason
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : reason, remark
- polls.AnswerRemarks.detail : remark, response, question
- polls.AnswerRemarks.insert : remark, response, question
- polls.ChoiceSets.detail : name, name_nl, name_de, name_en
- polls.Polls.detail : ref, title, workflow_buttons, details, default_choiceset, default_multiple_choices, id, user, created, modified, state
- polls.Polls.insert : ref, title, default_choiceset, default_multiple_choices, questions_to_add
- polls.Polls.merge_row : merge_to, polls_Question, reason
- polls.Questions.detail : poll, number, is_heading, choiceset, multiple_choices, title, details
- polls.Responses.detail : poll, partner, date, workflow_buttons, polls.AnswersByResponseEditor, user, state, remark, polls.AnswersByResponsePrint
- polls.Responses.insert : user, date, poll
- system.SiteConfigs.detail : site_company, next_partner_id, job_office, master_budget, signer1, signer2, signer1_function, signer2_function, system_note_type, default_build_method, residence_permit_upload_type, work_permit_upload_type, driving_licence_upload_type, default_event_type, prompt_calendar, hide_events_before, client_guestrole, team_guestrole, cbss_org_unit, sector, ssdn_user_id, ssdn_email, cbss_http_username, cbss_http_password
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.detail : id, name, user, description, text
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.insert : name, user
- uploads.AllUploads.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.AllUploads.insert : type, description, file, volume, library_file, user
- uploads.UploadTypes.detail : id, upload_area, shortcut, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value, wanted, max_number
- uploads.UploadTypes.insert : upload_area, name, name_nl, name_de, name_en, warn_expiry_unit, warn_expiry_value
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : type, description
- uploads.Uploads.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.Uploads.insert : file, type, project, start_date, end_date, needed, description
- uploads.UploadsByController.insert : file, type, end_date, needed, description
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.detail : user, project, id, type, description, start_date, end_date, needed, company, contact_person, contact_role, file, owner, remark
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.insert : type, description, file, volume, library_file, user
- uploads.Volumes.detail : ref, root_dir, description, overview
- uploads.Volumes.insert : ref, root_dir, description
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : merge_to, reason
- users.AllUsers.change_password : current, new1, new2
- users.AllUsers.detail : username, user_type, partner, first_name, last_name, initials, email, language, mail_mode, notify_myself, id, created, modified, remarks, event_type, calendar, newcomer_quota, coaching_type, coaching_supervisor, newcomer_consultations, newcomer_appointments
- users.AllUsers.insert : username, email, first_name, last_name, partner, language, user_type
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : merge_to, cal_Subscription, reason
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : verification_code

Windows and permissions

Each window layout is viewable by a given set of user types.

>>> print(analyzer.show_window_permissions()) 
- about.About.reset_password : visible for all
- : visible for all
- about.About.sign_in : visible for all
- about.About.verify_user : visible for all
- active_job_search.Proofs.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- addresses.Addresses.detail : visible for admin 910
- addresses.Addresses.insert : visible for admin 910
- aids.AidTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.AidTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Categories.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Grantings.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.Grantings.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.GrantingsByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.IncomeConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.RefundConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.SimpleConfirmations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- aids.SimpleConfirmationsByGranting.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art60.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- art60.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- art60.Conventions.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art60.Conventions.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.Activations.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.ActivationsByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- art61.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- art61.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- art61.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- boards.Boards.detail : visible for admin 910
- boards.Boards.insert : visible for admin 910
- cal.Calendars.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Calendars.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByClient.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByGuest.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EntriesByProject.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- cal.Events.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cal.Events.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cal.GuestRoles.detail : visible for admin 910
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.checkin : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.Guests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- cal.RecurrentEvents.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.RecurrentEvents.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Rooms.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Rooms.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Tasks.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.Tasks.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- cal.TasksByController.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- calview.DailyView.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- calview.MonthlyView.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- calview.WeeklyView.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.ManageAccessRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- cbss.RetrieveTIGroupsRequests.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- changes.Changes.detail : visible for admin 910
- checkdata.Checkers.detail : visible for admin 910
- checkdata.Messages.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- clients.ClientContactTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- coachings.CoachingEndings.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 admin 910
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.Partners.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.Persons.create_household : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- contacts.RolesByCompany.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- contacts.RolesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- countries.Countries.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Countries.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Places.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- countries.Places.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Activities.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Activities.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Activities.print_description : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet_html : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Enrolments.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Enrolments.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.EnrolmentsByCourse.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.EnrolmentsByPupil.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Lines.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Lines.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- courses.Lines.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- courses.Slots.detail : visible for admin 910
- courses.Slots.insert : visible for admin 910
- courses.Topics.detail : visible for admin 910
- cv.Durations.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.EducationLevels.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Experiences.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.ExperiencesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.Functions.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.LanguageKnowledgesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.ObstacleTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- cv.Regimes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Sectors.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Statuses.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Studies.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.StudiesByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.StudyTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.StudyTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- cv.Trainings.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- cv.Trainings.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- debts.Accounts.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Accounts.insert : visible for admin 910
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- debts.Budgets.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Budgets.insert : visible for admin 910
- debts.Groups.detail : visible for admin 910
- debts.Groups.insert : visible for admin 910
- esf.Summaries.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.detail : visible for admin 910
- excerpts.ExcerptTypes.insert : visible for admin 910
- excerpts.Excerpts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- gfks.ContentTypes.detail : visible for admin 910
- households.Households.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Households.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Households.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- households.HouseholdsByType.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.HouseholdsByType.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.MembersByPerson.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- households.Types.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- humanlinks.Links.detail : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- humanlinks.Links.insert : visible for 110 120 130 210 410 420 430 800 admin 910
- immersion.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- immersion.ContractTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- immersion.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- immersion.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- immersion.Goals.detail : visible for 110 120 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractEndings.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractPartners.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractPartners.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- isip.Contracts.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- isip.Contracts.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- isip.ExamPolicies.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.ContractTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- jobs.Employers.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Employers.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- jobs.JobProviders.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- jobs.JobTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- jobs.Jobs.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Jobs.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Offers.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 420 admin 910
- jobs.Schedules.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- languages.Languages.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- linod.SystemTasks.detail : visible for admin 910
- linod.SystemTasks.insert : visible for admin 910
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : visible for 110 120 200 220 300 420 800 admin 910
- newcomers.Faculties.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- newcomers.Faculties.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.EventTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.NoteTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.NoteTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- notes.Notes.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- notes.Notes.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- notes.NotesByProject.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- outbox.Mails.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- outbox.Mails.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- outbox.RecipientsByMail.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : visible for 120 200 220 300 420 admin 910
- polls.AnswerRemarks.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- polls.AnswerRemarks.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- polls.ChoiceSets.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- polls.Polls.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- polls.Polls.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- polls.Polls.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- polls.Questions.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- polls.Responses.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- polls.Responses.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 300 400 410 420 430 admin 910
- system.SiteConfigs.detail : visible for admin 910
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.detail : visible for admin 910
- tinymce.TextFieldTemplates.insert : visible for admin 910
- uploads.AllUploads.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.AllUploads.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.UploadTypes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.UploadTypes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Uploads.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByController.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.detail : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.UploadsByVolume.insert : visible for 100 110 120 130 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 430 500 510 800 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.detail : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.insert : visible for 110 120 410 420 admin 910
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.change_password : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.detail : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.insert : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : visible for admin 910
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : visible for admin 910


====================== ============ =========== ======== ========= ========= =================== ====================== ========
 Intervenant            Évaluation   Formation   Search   Travail   Standby   Dossiers complèts   Bénéficiaires actifs   Total
---------------------- ------------ ----------- -------- --------- --------- ------------------- ---------------------- --------
 Alicia Allmanns        **1**                             **1**     **1**     **3**               **3**                  **7**
 Hubert Huppertz        **4**        **4**       **6**                        **14**              **14**                 **17**
 Mélanie Mélard         **1**        **2**       **2**    **3**     **2**     **10**              **10**                 **19**
 **Total (3 lignes)**   **6**        **6**       **8**    **4**     **3**     **27**              **27**                 **43**
====================== ============ =========== ======== ========= ========= =================== ====================== ========

Note that the numbers in this table depend on lino_welfare.modlib.integ.Plugin.only_primary whose default value in chatelet is True.

>>> dd.plugins.integ.only_primary

Dialog actions

Voici une liste des actions qui ont un dialogue, càd pour lesquelles, avant de les exécuter, Lino ouvre une fenêtre à part pour demander des options.

>>> analyzer.show_dialog_actions()  
- about.About.reset_password : Reset password
  (main) [visible for all]: **adresse e-mail** (email), **Username (optional)** (username), **Nouveau mot de passe** (new1), **Encore une fois** (new2)
- about.About.sign_in : Sign in
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - (login_panel): **Nom d'utilisateur** (username), **Mot de passe** (password)
- about.About.verify_user : Verify
  (main) [visible for all]: **adresse e-mail** (email), **Verification code** (verification_code)
- art61.ContractTypes.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- cal.EventTypes.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- cal.GuestRoles.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- cal.GuestStates.wf1 : Accepter
  (main) [visible for all]: **Résumé** (notify_subject), **Description** (notify_body), **Ne pas avertir les autres** (notify_silent)
- cal.GuestStates.wf2 : Rejeter
  (main) [visible for all]: **Résumé** (notify_subject), **Description** (notify_body), **Ne pas avertir les autres** (notify_silent)
- cal.Guests.checkin : Arriver
  (main) [visible for all]: **Résumé** (notify_subject), **Description** (notify_body), **Ne pas avertir les autres** (notify_silent)
- coachings.Coachings.create_visit : Enregistrer consultation
  (main) [visible for all]: **Utilisateur** (user), **Raison** (summary), **N° d'attente** (waiting_number)
- contacts.Companies.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Adresses** (addresses_Address), **Raison** (reason)
- contacts.Partners.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Adresses** (addresses_Address), **Raison** (reason)
- contacts.Persons.create_household : Créer un ménage
  (main) [visible for all]: **Chef de ménage** (head), **Type de ménage** (type), **Partenaire** (partner)
- contacts.Persons.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **vers...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Connaissances de langue** (cv_LanguageKnowledge), **Freins** (cv_Obstacle)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **Compétences professionnelles** (cv_Skill), **Compétences sociales** (cv_SoftSkill)
    - **Adresses** (addresses_Address)
  - **Raison** (reason)
- courses.Activities.print_description : Description
  (main) [visible for all]: **Date du** (start_date), **au** (end_date), **Show remarks** (show_remarks), **Show states** (show_states)
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet : Fiche de présences
  (main) [visible for all]: **Date du** (start_date), **au** (end_date), **Show remarks** (show_remarks), **Show states** (show_states)
- courses.Activities.print_presence_sheet_html : Fiche de présences (HTML)
  (main) [visible for all]: **Date du** (start_date), **au** (end_date), **Show remarks** (show_remarks), **Show states** (show_states)
- courses.Lines.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- cv.ObstacleTypes.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- debts.Accounts.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- households.Households.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **vers...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles): **Membres de ménage** (households_Member), **Adresses** (addresses_Address)
  - **Raison** (reason)
- jobs.ContractTypes.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- jobs.Employers.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Adresses** (addresses_Address), **Raison** (reason)
- jobs.JobProviders.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Adresses** (addresses_Address), **Raison** (reason)
- newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach : Attribuer
  (main) [visible for all]: **Résumé** (notify_subject), **Description** (notify_body), **Ne pas avertir les autres** (notify_silent)
- pcsw.Clients.create_visit : Enregistrer consultation
  (main) [visible for all]: **Utilisateur** (user), **Raison** (summary), **N° d'attente** (waiting_number)
- pcsw.Clients.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]:
  - **vers...** (merge_to)
  - **Also reassign volatile related objects** (keep_volatiles):
    - (keep_volatiles_1): **Certificats de revenu** (aids_IncomeConfirmation), **Refund confirmations** (aids_RefundConfirmation)
    - (keep_volatiles_2): **Confirmations simple** (aids_SimpleConfirmation), **Interventions** (coachings_Coaching)
    - (keep_volatiles_3): **Fiches FSE** (esf_ClientSummary), **Dispenses** (pcsw_Dispense)
    - (keep_volatiles_4): **Connaissances de langue** (cv_LanguageKnowledge), **Freins** (cv_Obstacle)
    - (keep_volatiles_5): **Compétences professionnelles** (cv_Skill), **Compétences sociales** (cv_SoftSkill)
    - **Adresses** (addresses_Address)
  - **Raison** (reason)
- pcsw.Clients.refuse_client : Refuser
  (main) [visible for all]: **Raison de refus** (reason), **Remarque** (remark)
- polls.Polls.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Questions** (polls_Question), **Raison** (reason)
- uploads.Uploads.camera_stream : Camera
  (main) [visible for all]: **Type de téléchargement** (type), **Description** (description)
- uploads.Volumes.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Raison** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.change_password : Changer mot de passe
  (main) [visible for all]: **Mot de passe actuel** (current), **Nouveau mot de passe** (new1), **Encore une fois** (new2)
- users.AllUsers.merge_row : Fusionner
  (main) [visible for all]: **vers...** (merge_to), **Abonnements** (cal_Subscription), **Raison** (reason)
- users.AllUsers.verify_me : Verify
  (main) [visible for all]: **Verification code** (verification_code)