The main page in Lino Welfare¶
This describes the main page of Lino Welfare.
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
Some tests¶
Test the content of the admin main page.
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('rolf').user)
>>> res = test_client.get('/api/main_html', REMOTE_USER='rolf')
>>> print(res.status_code)
>>> result = json.loads(res.content)
>>> result['success']
>>> # print(html2text(result['html']))
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(result['html'], 'lxml')
We might test the complete content here, but currently we skip this as it is much work to maintain.
>>> print(soup.get_text(' ', strip=True))
>>> links = soup.find_all('a')
>>> len(links)
>>> print(links[0].text)
Meine Einstellungen
>>> tables = soup.find_all('table')
>>> len(tables)
>>> for h in soup.find_all('h2'):
... print(h.text.strip())
Benutzer und ihre Klienten ⏏
Wartende Besucher ⏏
Meine Termine ⏏
Meine Benachrichtigungen ✓ ⏏
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('robin').user)
>>> res = test_client.get('/api/main_html', REMOTE_USER='robin')
>>> print(res.status_code)
>>> result = json.loads(res.content)
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(result['html'], 'lxml')
>>> for h in soup.find_all('h2'):
... print(h.text.strip())
Users with their Clients ⏏
Waiting visitors ⏏
My appointments ⏏
My Notification messages ✓ ⏏
Here is a text variant of Hubert’s dashboard.
>>> show_dashboard('hubert', ignore_links=True)
Quick links: [Calendar] [Read eID card] [Clients] [ISIPs] [Art60§7 job
supplyments] [Appointments today] autorefresh [Refresh]
Hi, Hubert Huppertz! You are busy in Consultations with client (22.05.2014)
with BRECHT Bernd (177) (☑). There are 2 data problems assigned to you. You
have 16 items in Grantings to confirm.
This is a Lino demo site. Try also the other demo sites. Your feedback is
welcome to or directly to the person who invited you.
**We are running with simulated date set to Thursday, 22 May 2014.**
## Users with their Clients ⏏
Coach| Auswertung| Ausbildung| Suchen| Arbeit| Standby| Primary clients|
Active clients| Total
_Alicia Allmanns_| 4| 1| | 1| 1| 3| 3| 7
_Hubert Huppertz_| 5| 4| 6| 1| 1| 14| 14| 17
_Mélanie Mélard_| 2| 4| 6| 4| 3| 10| 10| 19
**Total (3 rows)**| **11**| **9**| **12**| **6**| **5**| **27**|
**27**| **43**
## Visitors waiting for me ⏏
Since| Client| Position| Short description| Workflow
6 years, 7 months ago| EMONTS Daniel (128)| 1| | Receive Checkout **Waiting**
→ Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| JONAS Josef (139)| 2| | Receive Checkout **Waiting** →
Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| LAZARUS Line (144)| 3| | Receive Checkout **Waiting** →
Absent Excused
## Waiting visitors ⏏
Since| Client| Managed by| Position| Short description| Workflow
6 years, 7 months ago| EMONTS Daniel (128)| Hubert Huppertz| 1| | Receive
Checkout **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| EVERS Eberhart (127)| Mélanie Mélard| 1| Urgent
problem| **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| HILGERS Hildegard (133)| Alicia Allmanns| 1|
Beschwerde| **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| JACOBS Jacqueline (137)| Judith Jousten| 1|
Information| **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| JONAS Josef (139)| Hubert Huppertz| 2| | Receive
Checkout **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| KAIVERS Karl (141)| Alicia Allmanns| 2| Beschwerde|
**Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| LAMBERTZ Guido (142)| Mélanie Mélard| 2| Urgent
problem| **Waiting** → Absent Excused
6 years, 7 months ago| LAZARUS Line (144)| Hubert Huppertz| 3| | Receive
Checkout **Waiting** → Absent Excused
## My appointments  ⏏
When| Client| Calendar entry type| Short description| Workflow
Sat 24/05/2014 at 11:10| HILGERS Hildegard (133)| _Internal meetings with
client_| Auswertung| **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Mon 26/05/2014| | _Absences_| Absent for private reasons| **? Suggested** →
☼ ☒
Wed 28/05/2014 at 09:00| BRECHT Bernd (177)| _Evaluation_| Évaluation 15| ▽
**? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Fri 30/05/2014 at 09:40| JACOBS Jacqueline (137)| _Internal meetings with
client_| Seminar| **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Tue 03/06/2014| DENON Denis (180*)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 1| ▽ **?
Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Wed 04/06/2014| LAMBERTZ Guido (142)| _Evaluation_| Évaluation 6| ▽ **?
Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Wed 04/06/2014 at 13:30| KAIVERS Karl (141)| _Internal meetings with client_|
Beratung| **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Mon 09/06/2014 at 10:20| LEFFIN Josefine (145)| _Internal meetings with
client_| Treffen| **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Thu 19/06/2014 at 09:00| JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)| _Evaluation_| Évaluation
15| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Mon 14/07/2014 at 09:00| BRECHT Bernd (177)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 1| ▽
**? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Mon 04/08/2014 at 09:00| JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 1|
▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Tue 05/08/2014| FAYMONVILLE Luc (130*)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 3| ▽ **?
Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Tue 12/08/2014| RADERMECKER Rik (173)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 2| ▽ **?
Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Thu 14/08/2014 at 09:00| BRECHT Bernd (177)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 2| ▽
**? Suggested** → ☼ ☒
Wed 03/09/2014| DENON Denis (180*)| _Evaluation_| Auswertung 2| ▽ **?
Suggested** → ☼ ☒
## My overdue appointments  ⏏
Calendar entry| Controlled by| Calendar entry type| Workflow
Évaluation 13 (17.04.2014 09:00) with JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)| ISIP#32 (Jérôme
JEANÉMART)| _Evaluation_| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☑ ☒
Évaluation 14 (28.04.2014 09:00) with BRECHT Bernd (177)| ISIP#27 (Bernd
BRECHT)| _Evaluation_| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☑ ☒
Auswertung 2 (05.05.2014) with FAYMONVILLE Luc (130*)| Art60§7 job
supplyment#4 (Luc FAYMONVILLE)| _Evaluation_| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☑ ☒
Auswertung 1 (12.05.2014) with RADERMECKER Rik (173)| Art60§7 job
supplyment#14 (Rik RADERMECKER)| _Evaluation_| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☑ ☒
Évaluation 14 (19.05.2014 09:00) with JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)| ISIP#32 (Jérôme
JEANÉMART)| _Evaluation_| ▽ **? Suggested** → ☼ ☑ ☒
## My Notification messages ✓ ⏏
* ✓ 22/05/2014 05:48 Die Datenbank wurde initialisiert.