Avoiding duplicate clients

Lino Welfare offers some functionality for avoiding duplicate Client records.

Side note: Code snippets (lines starting with >>>) in this document get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used in this document.

>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

In Lino Welfare, a Client inherits from DupableClient.

Phonetic words

See lino.mixins.dupable.PhoneticWordBase.

>>> rt.show(pcsw.CoachedClients, column_names="id name dupable_words")
===== ======================= =========================================
 ID    Name                    dupable_words
----- ----------------------- -----------------------------------------
 116   Ausdemwald Alfons       `ASTMLT <…>`__, `ALFNS <…>`__
 177   Brecht Bernd            `PRKT <…>`__, `PRNT <…>`__
 118   Collard Charlotte       `KLRT <…>`__, `XRLT <…>`__
 124   Dobbelstein Dorothée    `TPLSTN <…>`__, `TR0 <…>`__
 179   Dubois Robin            `TP <…>`__, `RPN <…>`__
 128   Emonts Daniel           `AMNTS <…>`__, `TNL <…>`__
 152   Emonts-Gast Erna        `AMNTS <…>`__, `KST <…>`__, `ARN <…>`__
 129   Engels Edgar            `ANJLS <…>`__, `ATKR <…>`__
 127   Evers Eberhart          `AFRS <…>`__, `APRRT <…>`__
 132   Groteclaes Gregory      `KRTKLS <…>`__, `KRKR <…>`__
 133   Hilgers Hildegard       `HLKRS <…>`__, `HLTKRT <…>`__
 137   Jacobs Jacqueline       `JKPS <…>`__, `JKLN <…>`__
 181   Jeanémart Jérôme        `JNMRT <…>`__, `JRM <…>`__
 139   Jonas Josef             `JNS <…>`__, `JSF <…>`__
 141   Kaivers Karl            `KFRS <…>`__, `KRL <…>`__
 178   Keller Karl             `KLR <…>`__, `KRL <…>`__
 142   Lambertz Guido          `LMPRTS <…>`__, `KT <…>`__
 144   Lazarus Line            `LSRS <…>`__, `LN <…>`__
 146   Malmendier Marc         `MLMNT <…>`__, `MRK <…>`__
 147   Meessen Melissa         `MSN <…>`__, `MLS <…>`__
 153   Radermacher Alfons      `RTRMKR <…>`__, `ALFNS <…>`__
 155   Radermacher Christian   `RTRMKR <…>`__, `KRSXN <…>`__
 157   Radermacher Edgard      `RTRMKR <…>`__, `ATKRT <…>`__
 159   Radermacher Guido       `RTRMKR <…>`__, `KT <…>`__
 161   Radermacher Hedi        `RTRMKR <…>`__, `HT <…>`__
 173   Radermecker Rik         `RTRMKR <…>`__, `RK <…>`__
 165   da Vinci David          `FNS <…>`__, `TFT <…>`__
 166   van Veen Vincent        `FN <…>`__, `FNSNT <…>`__
 168   Östges Otto             `ASTJS <…>`__, `AT <…>`__
===== ======================= =========================================

Similar Clients

The test database contains a fictive person named Dorothée Dobbelstein-Demeulenaere as an example of accidental duplicate data entry. Dorothée exists 3 times in our database:

>>> for p in pcsw.Client.objects.filter(name__contains="Dorothée"):
...     print(str(p))
DEMEULENAERE Dorothée (122)
DOBBELSTEIN Dorothée (124)

The detail window of each of these records shows some of the other records in the SimilarClients table:

>>> translation.activate("en")
>>> rt.show(dupable_clients.SimilarClients, pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=122))
`DOBBELSTEIN-DEMEULENAERE Dorothée (123*) <…>`__ Phonetic words: TMLNR, TR0
>>> rt.show(dupable_clients.SimilarClients, pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=123))
`DEMEULENAERE Dorothée (122) <…>`__ `DOBBELSTEIN Dorothée (124) <…>`__ Phonetic words: TPLSTN, TMLNR, TR0
>>> rt.show(dupable_clients.SimilarClients, pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=124))
`DOBBELSTEIN-DEMEULENAERE Dorothée (123*) <…>`__ Phonetic words: TPLSTN, TR0

Note how the result can differ depending on the partner. Our algorithm is not perfect and does not detect all duplicates.

Checked at input

If a user tries to create a fourth record of that person, then Lino will ask a confirmation first:

>>> data = dict(an="submit_insert")
>>> data.update(first_name="Dorothée")
>>> data.update(last_name="Dobbelstein")
>>> data.update(genderHidden="F")
>>> data.update(gender="Weiblich")
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('robin').user)
>>> res = test_client.post('/api/pcsw/Clients', data=data, REMOTE_USER="robin")
>>> res.status_code
>>> r = json.loads(res.content)
>>> print(r['message'])
There are 2 similar Clients:<br/>
DOBBELSTEIN Dorothée (124)<br/>
Are you sure you want to create a new Client named Mrs Dorothée DOBBELSTEIN?

This is because lino.mixins.dupable.Dupable replaces the standard submit_insert action by the CheckedSubmitInsert action.

The algorithm

The alarm bell rings when there are two similar name components in both first and last name. Punctuation characters (like “-” or “&” or “,”) are ignored, and also the ordering of elements does not matter.

The current implementation splits the name of each client into its parts, removing punctuation characters, computes a phonetic version using the NYSIIS algorithm and stores them in a separate database table.

How good (how bad) is our algorithm? See the source code of lino.projects.min2.tests.test_min2.