The lino_xl.lib.statbel.countries
Code snippets in this document (lines starting with >>>
) get tested
as part of our development workflow. The following
initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used.
>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> from django.db.models import Q
>>> dd.plugins.countries
<lino_xl.lib.statbel.countries.Plugin lino_xl.lib.statbel.countries(needs ['', 'lino_xl.lib.xl'])>
>>> dd.plugins.countries.extends_models
['Country', 'Place']
Refugee statuses and former country¶
The demo database comes with 224 known countries, but some of them are not real countries because they actually represent for example a refugee status or a former country.
Lino knows them because their actual_country
points to another (the “real”) country.
>>> countries.Country.objects.all().count()
>>> countries.Country.objects.filter(actual_country__isnull=True).count()
>>> countries.Country.objects.filter(actual_country__isnull=False).count()
... filter=Q(actual_country__isnull=False),
... column_names="isocode name inscode actual_country actual_country__isocode")
========== ============================================ ========== ================ ==========
ISO-Code Bezeichnung INS code Actual country ISO-Code
---------- -------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------- ----------
BYAA Byelorussian SSR Soviet Socialist Republic Belarus BY
DDDE German Democratic Republic 170 Deutschland DE
DEDE German Federal Republic 103 Deutschland DE
SUHH USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Russland RU
========== ============================================ ========== ================ ==========
The following database fields refer to a country:
>>> for m, f in rt.models.countries.Country._lino_ddh.fklist:
... print ("{} {}".format(dd.full_model_name(m),
addresses.Address country
contacts.Partner country
countries.Country actual_country
countries.Place country
cv.Experience country
cv.Study country
cv.Training country
pcsw.Client birth_country
pcsw.Client nationality
>>> kw = dict()
>>> fields = 'count rows'
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/addresses/Address/country', fields, 220, **kw)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/contacts/Partners/country', fields, 220, **kw)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/pcsw/Clients/country', fields, 220, **kw)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/countries/Countries/actual_country', fields, 220, **kw)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/cv/Training/country', fields, 220, **kw)
The following fields have the full list, including fake countries)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/pcsw/Clients/nationality', fields, 224, **kw)
>>> demo_get(
... 'rolf', 'choices/countries/Places/country', fields, 224, **kw)