aids : Aid grantings

The lino_welfare.modlib.aids plugin provides functionality for managing “social aid” or “aid grantings”.

Side note: Code snippets (lines starting with >>>) in this document get tested as part of our development workflow. The following initialization snippet tells you which demo project is being used in this document.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> translation.activate('de')


aid granting

The decision that a given client gets a given aid during a given period. See Aid grantings.

German: Hilfebeschluss

aid type

Every aid granting has a type, and the list of aid types is configurable. See Aid types.

German: Hilfeart

Date range validation

>>> # print(dd.plugins.aids.no_date_range_veto_until)
>>> obj = rt.models.aids.Granting.objects.get(pk=10)
>>> def f(gs, ge, cs, ce):
...     if gs: gs = i2d(gs)
...     if ge: ge = i2d(ge)
...     if cs: cs = i2d(cs)
...     if ce: ce = i2d(ce)
...     obj.start_date = gs
...     obj.end_date = ge
...     p = aids.IncomeConfirmation(start_date=cs, end_date=ce, granting=obj)
...     return p.get_date_range_veto()
>>> dd.plugins.aids.no_date_range_veto_until = 0
>>> f(20140522, 20140522, 20140522, 20140522)

A confirmation without an end date means only on the start date: >>> f(20140522, 20140522, 20140522, None)

>>> f(20140522, None, 20140522, None)
>>> f(20140522, None, 20140522, 20150521)
>>> f(20140522, 20140522, 20140522, 20140523)
'Datumsbereich 22.05.14...23.05.14 außerhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 22.05.14...22.05.14.'
>>> f(20140522, 20140522, 20140523, 20140523)
'Datumsbereich 23.05.14...23.05.14 außerhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 22.05.14...22.05.14.'
>>> f(20140522, 20140522, 20140523, 20140523)
'Datumsbereich 23.05.14...23.05.14 außerhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses 22.05.14...22.05.14.'
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140521, None)
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140522, None)
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140523, None)
'Datumsbereich 23.05.14...23.05.14 außerhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses ...22.05.14.'
>>> dd.plugins.aids.no_date_range_veto_until = -1
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140523, None)
>>> dd.plugins.aids.no_date_range_veto_until = 15
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140523, None)
>>> dd.plugins.aids.no_date_range_veto_until = 5
>>> f(None, 20140522, 20140523, None)
'Datumsbereich 23.05.14...23.05.14 außerhalb der Laufzeit des Beschlusses ...22.05.14.'

Confirmation types

>>> from lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.roles import SocialUser
>>> ses = rt.login('alicia')
>>> ses.user.user_type.has_required_roles([SocialUser])

ConfirmationTypes is a choicelist where each subclass of Confirmation has been registered.

Currently Lino Welfare knows three confirmation types.

====== ========================= =================================================== =============
 name   Wert                      Text                                                Vorlage
------ ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------
        aids.SimpleConfirmation   Einfache Bescheinigung (aids.SimpleConfirmation)    Default.odt
        aids.IncomeConfirmation   Einkommensbescheinigung (aids.IncomeConfirmation)   Default.odt
        aids.RefundConfirmation   Kostenübernahmeschein (aids.RefundConfirmation)     Default.odt
====== ========================= =================================================== =============

Aid types

The list of aid type can be modified by end users with the required permissions.

>>> rt.login("robin").show_menu_path(aids.AidTypes)
Configure --> PCSW --> Aid Types
>>> rt.login("rolf").show_menu_path(aids.AidTypes)
Konfigurierung --> ÖSHZ --> Hilfearten
>>>, column_names="name confirmed_by_primary_coach body_template id")
================================================= =========================== =============================== ====
 Bezeichnung                                       Primärbegleiter bestätigt   Textkörper-Vorlage              ID
------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------- ----
 Ausländerbeihilfe                                 Ja                          foreigner_income.body.html      2
 Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      Ja                          urgent_medical_care.body.html   7
 Eingliederungseinkommen                           Ja                          integ_income.body.html          1
 Erstattung                                        Ja                          certificate.body.html           4
 Feste Beihilfe                                    Ja                          fixed_income.body.html          3
 Heizkosten                                        Ja                          heating_refund.body.html        9
 Kleiderkammer                                     Ja                          clothing_bank.body.html         11
 Lebensmittelbank                                  Nein                        food_bank.body.html             10
 Möbellager                                        Ja                          furniture.body.html             8
 Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   Ja                          medical_refund.body.html        6
 Übernahmeschein                                   Ja                          certificate.body.html           5
================================================= =========================== =============================== ====
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.AidType

The Django model representing an aid type.

Database fields:


The short name for internal use, e.g. when a user must select an aid type from a combobox.


The database model to use for issuing an aid confirmation of this type. This is a mandatory pointer to ConfirmationTypes.


The designation of this aid type as seen by the user e.g. when selecting an aid type.

One field for every language.


The text to print as title in confirmations. See also lino_xl.lib.excerpts.mixins.ExcerptTitle.excerpt_title.


The body template to use when printing a confirmation of this type. If this field is empty, Lino uses the excerpt type’s body_template. See also Developer intro to printing.


Whether aid grantings of this type are considered as urgent. This is used by Confirmation.get_urgent_granting()


Pointer to the default lino_xl.lib.boards.models.Board for aid projects of this type.


Whether grantings for this aid type are to be signed by the client’s primary coach (see Client.get_primary_coach).


A pointer to the ClientContactType to be used when selecting the pharmacy of a refund confirmation (

Aid grantings

class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Granting

The Django model representing an aid granting.

Database fields:


Pointer to the lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Client.


The type of aid being granted. Mandatory. Pointer to the AidType.


Pointer to the user who is expected to “sign” this granting (i.e. to confirm that it is real).

The default value is the client’s primary coach for grantings whose aid_type has confirmed_by_primary_coach checked.


Pointer to the Board which decided to allocate this aid project.


Currently only used for printing an isip.Contract.

class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Grantings
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.AllGrantings
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.MyPendingGrantings
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.GrantingsByClient
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.GrantingsByType

Alicia hat 2 Hilfebeschlüsse zu bestätigen. Dies kriegt sie als Willkommensmeldung gesagt:

>>> ses = rt.login('alicia')
>>> translation.activate('de')
>>> for msg in settings.SITE.get_welcome_messages(ses):
...     print(tostring(msg))
<span>Du bist beschäftigt in <a href="…">Beschwerde (22.05.2014) mit COLLARD Charlotte (118)</a> (<b>☑</b>). </span>
<b>Du hast 2 offene Datenproblemmeldungen.</b>
<span>Du hast <b>6 Einträge in Zu bestätigende Hilfebeschlüsse</b>.</span>

When she clicks the link “Zu bestätigende Hilfebeschlüsse”, then they show up:

======================== ========================= =========== ============== ========== ======= ==============================
 Klient                   Hilfeart                  Kategorie   Laufzeit von   bis        Autor   Workflow
------------------------ ------------------------- ----------- -------------- ---------- ------- ------------------------------
 DA VINCI David (165)     Ausländerbeihilfe                     10.08.14                          [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
 DA VINCI David (165)     Eingliederungseinkommen               10.07.14                          [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
 EMONTS-GAST Erna (152)   Heizkosten                            30.05.14       31.05.14           [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
 DUBOIS Robin (179)       Ausländerbeihilfe                     06.03.14                          [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
 DUBOIS Robin (179)       Eingliederungseinkommen               27.04.13                          [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
 DA VINCI David (165)     Ausländerbeihilfe                     16.03.13                          [Bestätigen] **Unbestätigt**
======================== ========================= =========== ============== ========== ======= ==============================

Aid confirmations (Hilfebestätigungen)

class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Confirmation

Base class for all aid confirmations.

Subclassed by SimpleConfirmation, IncomeConfirmation and RefundConfirmation.


Return an error message if this confirmation lies outside of granted period.

def get_urgent_granting(self):

Return the one and only one urgent aid granting for the client and period defined for this confirmation. Return None if there is no such granting, or if there is more than one such granting.

Used in medical_refund.body.html.

Number of issued confirmations by confirmation type:

>>> translation.activate('de')
>>> for at in aids.AidType.objects.exclude(confirmation_type='').order_by('id'):
...    M = at.confirmation_type.model
...    qs = M.objects.filter(granting__aid_type=at)
...    obj = qs[0]
...    txt = obj.confirmation_text()
...    txt = ' '.join(txt.split())
...    print("%s : %d" % (str(at), qs.count()))
Eingliederungseinkommen : 20
Ausländerbeihilfe : 37
Feste Beihilfe : 3
Erstattung : 3
Übernahmeschein : 3
Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten : 6
Dringende Medizinische Hilfe : 6
Möbellager : 3
Heizkosten : 3
Lebensmittelbank : 3
Kleiderkammer : 4

Grantings by ISIP contract

The get_aid_type method of a contract (called from the .odt document template when printing a welfare.isip.Contract in Eupen) works only when get_granting returns exactly one granting. Which is the normal situation.

The demo fixtures generate some exceptions to this general rule. Here we see that most contracts have indeed exactly 1 granting:

>>> isip.Contract.objects.all().count()
>>> l = []
>>> for con in isip.Contract.objects.all():
...     if con.get_aid_type() is not None:
...         l.append(
>>> print(l)
[1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33]
>>> rr = aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert_action.action.required_roles
>>> print(rt.login("rolf").get_user().user_type.has_required_roles(rr))
>>> ct = contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get_for_model(aids.Granting)
>>> mt =
>>> mk = 3
>>> ct = contenttypes.ContentType.objects.get(pk=mt)
>>> ct.model_class()
<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.aids.models.Granting'>
>>> obj = aids.Granting.objects.get(pk=mk)
>>> obj
Granting #3 ('EiEi/13.10.12/124')

This granting has been confirmed once:

>>>, obj)
==== ============================ ================ ============ ============= =====
 ID   Klient                       Kategorie        Betrag       Periode vom   bis
---- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- -----
 4    DOBBELSTEIN Dorothée (124)   Zusammenlebend   456,00       13.10.12
==== ============================ ================ ============ ============= =====


We test whether Theresia is allowed to create an income confirmation.

>>> theresia = rt.login('theresia').user
>>> headers = dict(HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest')
>>> headers.update(REMOTE_USER='rolf')
>>> url = "/api/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting"
>>> url += "?su={2}&mt={0}&mk={1}&an=insert".format(mt, mk,
>>> test_client.force_login(rt.login('rolf').user)
>>> res = test_client.get(url, **headers)
>>> print(res.status_code)
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml')
>>> scripts = soup.head.find_all('script', type="text/javascript")

The page header includes a lot of scripts:

>>> len(scripts)

Here are the default values for their source URLs:

>>> for s in scripts:
...     print(s.get('src', '(inline)'))  

We are interested in the last one, which defines the onReady function:

>>> on_ready = str(scripts[-1])
>>> len(on_ready.splitlines())

And one of these lines calls the JavaScript version of the insert action of IncomeConfirmationsByGranting:

>>> "" in on_ready

The pharmacy of a RefundConfirmation

The demo database has exactly one AidType with a nonempty pharmacy_type field:

>>> at = aids.AidType.objects.get(pharmacy_type__isnull=False)
>>> at
AidType #6 ('\xdcbernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten')
>>> at.pharmacy_type
ClientContactType #1 ('Apotheke')

There are 4 pharmacies altogether:

>>> rt.login('robin').show('clients.PartnersByClientContactType', at.pharmacy_type)
=================================== ===== ================================================================================
 Name                                ID    Ansicht als
----------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Apotheke Schunck                    201   `Organisation <…>`__ [**❌**], **Partner**, Person [**➕**], Haushalt [**➕**]
 Bosten-Bocken A                     203   `Organisation <…>`__ [**❌**], **Partner**, Person [**➕**], Haushalt [**➕**]
 Pharmacies Populaires de Verviers   202   `Organisation <…>`__ [**❌**], **Partner**, Person [**➕**], Haushalt [**➕**]
=================================== ===== ================================================================================

There are two grantings with this aid type:

>>>, at)
========================== ==================== ============== ========== ====
 Hilfebeschluss             Klient               Laufzeit von   bis        ID
-------------------------- -------------------- -------------- ---------- ----
 `AMK/27.05.14/139 <…>`__   JONAS Josef (139)    27.05.14       26.06.14   45
 `AMK/27.05.14/141 <…>`__   KAIVERS Karl (141)   27.05.14       27.05.14   46
========================== ==================== ============== ========== ====

We will inspect the first granting from above table:

>>> granting = aids.Granting.objects.get(pk=45)

Usually there is at most one pharmacy among the client’s client contacts:

>>>, granting.client)
==================== =============== =================== =============
 Klientenkontaktart   Organisation    Kontaktperson       Bemerkungen
-------------------- --------------- ------------------- -------------
 Apotheke             Apotheke Reul
 Arzt                                 Waltraud WALDMANN
 Hausarzt                             Werner WEHNICHT
 Zahnarzt                             Dr. Carmen CASTOU
==================== =============== =================== =============

There is only one pharmacy in above list, but in a confirmation I can manually choose any other pharmacy:

>>> ContentType = rt.models.contenttypes.ContentType
>>> mt = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(rt.models.aids.Granting).id
>>> url = '/choices/aids/RefundConfirmationsByGranting/pharmacy?mt={0}&mk={1}'.format(mt,
>>> response = test_client.get(url, REMOTE_USER="rolf")
>>> result = json.loads(response.content.decode())
>>> for r in result['rows']:
...     print(r['text'])
Apotheke Reul
Apotheke Schunck
Pharmacies Populaires de Verviers
Bosten-Bocken A

Refund confirmations

Some example of how to view refund confirmations.

>>> cn = "id granting"
>>> cn += " granting__client granting__aid_type"
>>> cn += " start_date end_date"
>>> #cn += " pharmacy doctor"
>>>, column_names=cn)
==== ================== ====================== ================================================= ============= ==========
 ID   Hilfebeschluss     Klient                 Hilfeart                                          Periode vom   bis
---- ------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------
 12   DMH/28.05.14/144   LAZARUS Line (144)     Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14      28.05.15
 11   DMH/28.05.14/144   LAZARUS Line (144)     Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14      28.05.15
 10   DMH/28.05.14/144   LAZARUS Line (144)     Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14      28.05.15
 9    DMH/28.05.14/142   LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14
 8    DMH/28.05.14/142   LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14
 7    DMH/28.05.14/142   LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   Dringende Medizinische Hilfe                      28.05.14
 6    AMK/27.05.14/141   KAIVERS Karl (141)     Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      27.05.14
 5    AMK/27.05.14/141   KAIVERS Karl (141)     Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      27.05.14
 4    AMK/27.05.14/141   KAIVERS Karl (141)     Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      27.05.14
 3    AMK/27.05.14/139   JONAS Josef (139)      Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      26.06.14
 2    AMK/27.05.14/139   JONAS Josef (139)      Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      26.06.14
 1    AMK/27.05.14/139   JONAS Josef (139)      Übernahme von Arzt- und/oder Medikamentenkosten   27.05.14      26.06.14
==== ================== ====================== ================================================= ============= ==========
>>> cn = "id client start_date end_date"
>>> pv = dict(client=pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=144))
>>>, column_names=cn, param_values=pv)
==== ==================== ============= ==========
 ID   Klient               Periode vom   bis
---- -------------------- ------------- ----------
 12   LAZARUS Line (144)   28.05.14      28.05.15
 11   LAZARUS Line (144)   28.05.14      28.05.15
 10   LAZARUS Line (144)   28.05.14      28.05.15
==== ==================== ============= ==========
>>> cn = "id client start_date end_date"
>>> pv = dict(aid_type=aids.AidType.objects.get(pk=7))
>>>, column_names=cn, param_values=pv)
==== ====================== ============= ==========
 ID   Klient                 Periode vom   bis
---- ---------------------- ------------- ----------
 12   LAZARUS Line (144)     28.05.14      28.05.15
 11   LAZARUS Line (144)     28.05.14      28.05.15
 10   LAZARUS Line (144)     28.05.14      28.05.15
 9    LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   28.05.14
 8    LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   28.05.14
 7    LAMBERTZ Guido (142)   28.05.14
==== ====================== ============= ==========

Number of children and adults in household

>>> cn = "id client start_date end_date num_adults num_children"
>>>, column_names=cn)
>>>, column_names=cn)
>>>, column_names=cn)
>>> pv = dict(client=pcsw.Client.objects.get(pk=181))
>>>, column_names=cn, param_values=pv)
==== ======================== ============= ===== ============ ========
 ID   Klient                   Periode vom   bis   Erwachsene   Kinder
---- ------------------------ ------------- ----- ------------ --------
 51   JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)   20.03.14            2            0
 50   JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)   20.03.14            2            0
 49   JEANÉMART Jérôme (181)   11.05.13            2            0
                                                   **6**        **0**
==== ======================== ============= ===== ============ ========

Creating a doctor

Here we try to insert a RefundConfirmation, specifying a new doctor in the doctor combobox, and leaving the doctor_type empty.

>>> url = "/api/aids/RefundConfirmationsByGranting"
>>> data = dict(
...     mt=119, mk=38,
...     rp="ext-comp-3054",
...     an="submit_insert",
...     start_date="27.05.2014",
...     end_date="27.05.2014",
...     doctor_typeHidden="",
...     doctor_type="Select a Client Contact type...",
...     doctorHidden="Dr. Bean",
...     doctor="Dr. Bean",
...     pharmacyHidden=209,
...     pharmacy="Apotheke Schunck (209)",
...     companyHidden="",
...     company="Select a Organisation...",
...     contact_personHidden='',
...     contact_person="Select a Person...",
...     languageHidden='',
...     language='',
...     remark='')
>>> result = post_json_dict('rolf', url, data)  
Error during kernel.run_action() in ActionRequest Erstellen on aids.RefundConfirmationsByGranting: Arzt : Kann keinen neuen Arzt erstellen, wenn Art des Arztes leer ist
{'doctor': ['Kann keinen neuen Arzt erstellen, wenn Art des Arztes leer ist']}
Traceback (most recent call last):
django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: {'doctor': ['Kann keinen neuen Arzt erstellen, wenn Art des Arztes leer ist']}
>>> result.success
>>> print(result.message)
Arzt : Kann keinen neuen Arzt erstellen, wenn Art des Arztes leer ist

The period covered by a confirmation

>>> from lino.utils.format_date import fdl
>>> print(dd.fdl(
22. Mai 2014

We define a utility function:

>>> def f(start_date, end_date):
...     if end_date: end_date = i2d(end_date)
...     if start_date: start_date = i2d(start_date)
...     p = aids.IncomeConfirmation(
...         start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
...     for lang in ('en', 'de', 'fr'):
...         with translation.override(lang):
...             print(p.get_period_text())

A single day:

>>> f(20140522, 20140522)
on 22 May 2014
am 22. Mai 2014
le 22 mai 2014

A fully defined date range:

>>> f(20140522, 20140621)
between 22 May 2014 and 21 June 2014
vom 22. Mai 2014 bis zum 21. Juni 2014
entre le 22 mai 2014 et le 21 juin 2014

The text of a date range with open end can differ in certain languages depending on whether it is in the future or in the past.

>>> f(20140522, None)
from 22 May 2014
seit dem 22. Mai 2014
depuis le 22 mai 2014
>>> f(20140523, None)
from 23 May 2014
ab dem 23. Mai 2014
à partir du 23 mai 2014

No start date:

>>> f(None, 20140501)
until 1 May 2014
bis zum 1. Mai 2014
jusqu'au 1 mai 2014

Neither start nor end:

>>> f(None, None)


The detail of a Granting shows a list of the confirmations which have been issued for this granting.

>>> obj = aids.Granting.objects.get(pk=mk)
>>>, obj, column_names="detail_link user signer printed")
============================= ================ ================ =============
 Bestätigung                   Autor            Bestätiger       Ausgedruckt
----------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------
 `EiEi/13.10.12/124/4 <…>`__   Judith Jousten   Mélanie Mélard
============================= ================ ================ =============

The above was written to reproduce #685.

The board field of a granting has a chooser which takes an argument of type date.

>>> show_choices('rolf', '/choices/aids/GrantingsByClient/board?decision_date=&mk=120')
Sozialhilferat (SHR)
Sozialhilfeausschuss (SAS)
Ständiges Präsidium (SP)


class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Category
class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Categories

Inspecting a FormLayout and its JavaScript

On 2015-02-19 I discovered a layout problem in the insert window of aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting: all form fields except remark were hidden. The problem was a side effect of the new feature “hidden form fields” introduced some days earlier (2015-02-17).

This section helped me to understand the problem, it also verifies that the problem is now solved, and maybe it has some pedagogical value.

Open the detail window (tab panel “Aids”) on Client 116. We know that this client has four grantings:


Clicking on the “Create confirmation” should show the window on the left, but currently it shows the window on the right:

../../_images/0219b.png ../../_images/0219c.png

Some preliminary tests, just to see whether we are at the right place:

>>> obj = pcsw.Client.objects.get(id=116)
>>> obj
Client #116 ('AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116)')
>>> rt.login('robin').show(aids.GrantingsByClient, obj, language="en")
========================================== ============== ======= ================= ======================== =================== =========================
 Aid granting                               Applies from   until   Signer            Workflow                 Board               Actions
------------------------------------------ -------------- ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------- -------------------------
 `EiEi/22/05/2014/116 <…>`__                22/05/2014             Caroline Carnol   [Sign] **Unconfirmed**   Social Board (SB)   **Create confirmation**
 `Ausländerbeihilfe/08/08/2013/116 <…>`__   08/08/2013             Caroline Carnol   [Sign] **Unconfirmed**                       **Create confirmation**
 `EiEi/29/09/2012/116 <…>`__                29/09/2012             Caroline Carnol   [Sign] **Unconfirmed**                       **Create confirmation**
========================================== ============== ======= ================= ======================== =================== =========================

Let’s have a closer look the insert_layout in question.


>>> layout = aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.insert_layout

Yes it is a lino.core.layouts.InsertLayout:

>>> layout.__class__
<class 'lino.core.layouts.InsertLayout'>

And its hidden_elements has only those fields which I actually want to be hidden:

>>> list(layout.hidden_elements) 
['granting', 'client']

The main panel is as we designed it:

>>> print(layout.main)

    client granting:25
    start_date end_date
    category amount
    company contact_person language

Let’s look at the LayoutHandle (i.e. version of the Layout which has been “compiled” for a given front end, in our case lino.modlib.extjs).

>>> lh = layout.get_layout_handle()
>>> print(lh)
LayoutHandle for lino.core.layouts.InsertLayout on lino_welfare.modlib.aids.models.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting
>>> lh.main.__class__
<class 'lino.core.elems.DetailMainPanel'>

The lino.core.elems module contains “Layout Elements” or “Widgets”. The only purpose of these objects is to generate JavaScript. They are ExtJS (version 3) specific.

They all inherit from lino.utils.jsgen.Component, which is part of lino.utils.jsgen, which is a general framework for generating JavaScript.

It uses functions like with_user_profile, declare_vars and py2js.

>>> from lino.utils.jsgen import py2js, declare_vars
>>> from lino.utils.jsgen import with_user_profile
>>> ses = rt.login("robin")

And we must activate a language:

>>> translation.activate('en')

Now we can call declare_vars who will yield us a series of lines of javascript code. These lines declare the variables used to define the main panel.

When rendering any JavaScript, Lino must know the user user_type for which we want it:

Here is the JavaScript generated before the change (the following snippet has +SKIP specified which means that it is not being tested:

>> # lines = with_user_profile(ses.user.user_type, declare_vars, lh.main) >> js = ‘n’.join(lines) >> print(js)

>>> with ses.user.user_type.context():
...     for ln in declare_vars(lh.main):
...         print(ln)
var client91 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Client", "allowBlank": false, "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.pcsw.Clients.detail,Lino.pcsw.Clients.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Client...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Client","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.client) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hidden": true, "hiddenName": "clientHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/client", "method": "GET" }) }), "name": "client" });
var granting92 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Aid granting", "name": "granting", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.aids.GrantingsByX.detail,Lino.aids.GrantingsByX.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Aid granting...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Aid granting","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.granting) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hidden": true, "hiddenName": "grantingHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/granting", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var main_1_panel93 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 117, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 44, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": client91, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 55, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": granting92, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var start_date96 = new Lino.DateField({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Period from", "name": "start_date", "selectOnFocus": true, "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Period from","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.start_date) ") }, "anchor": "-20" });
var end_date97 = new Lino.DateField({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "until", "name": "end_date", "selectOnFocus": true, "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("until","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.end_date) ") }, "anchor": "-20" });
var main_2_panel98 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 108, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": start_date96, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": end_date97, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var category101 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Category", "name": "category", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.aids.Categories.detail,Lino.aids.Categories.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Category...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Category","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.category) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hiddenName": "categoryHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/category", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var amount102 = new Ext.form.NumberField({ "autoHeight": true, "decimalPrecision": 2, "fieldLabel": "Amount", "name": "amount", "decimalSeparator": ",", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Amount","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.amount) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "anchor": "-20", "allowBlank": true });
var main_3_panel103 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 81, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 62, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": category101, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 37, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": amount102, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var company106 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Recipient (Organization)", "name": "company", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.contacts.Companies.detail,Lino.contacts.Companies.insert)}, "hiddenName": "companyHidden", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Recipient (Organization)","( ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "emptyText": "Select a Organisation...", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/company", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var contact_person107 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Recipient (Person)", "name": "contact_person", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.contacts.Persons.detail,Lino.contacts.Persons.insert)}, "hiddenName": "contact_personHidden", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Recipient (Person)","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.contact_person) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "emptyText": "Select a Person...", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/contact_person", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var main_4_panel108 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 225, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": company106, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": contact_person107, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var remark111 = new Lino.RichTextPanel({ "selectOnFocus": true, "flex": 55, "containing_panel": this, "name": "remark", "title": "Remark" });
var main_panel112 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "border": false, "layout": "vbox", "labelWidth": 0, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ main_1_panel93, main_2_panel98, main_3_panel103, main_4_panel108, remark111 ], "frame": true, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretch" }, "bodyBorder": false, "labelAlign": "top" });

This structure caused the ExtJS layout manager to produce unexpected behaviour because the horizontal panel for the two fields client and granting is not hidden. In that case the panel must also be hidden.

>>> with ses.user.user_type.context():
...     for ln in declare_vars(lh.main):
...         print(ln)
var client228 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Client", "allowBlank": false, "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.pcsw.Clients.detail,Lino.pcsw.Clients.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Client...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Client","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.client) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hidden": true, "hiddenName": "clientHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/client", "method": "GET" }) }), "name": "client" });
var granting229 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Aid granting", "name": "granting", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.aids.GrantingsByX.detail,Lino.aids.GrantingsByX.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Aid granting...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Aid granting","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.granting) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hidden": true, "hiddenName": "grantingHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/granting", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var main_1_panel230 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoHeight": true, "layout": "hbox", "items": [ { "flex": 44, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": client228, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 55, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": granting229, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "autoScroll": false, "labelWidth": 117, "hidden": true, "border": false, "labelAlign": "top" });
var start_date233 = new Lino.DateField({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Period from", "name": "start_date", "selectOnFocus": true, "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Period from","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.start_date) ") }, "anchor": "-20" });
var end_date234 = new Lino.DateField({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "until", "name": "end_date", "selectOnFocus": true, "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("until","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.end_date) ") }, "anchor": "-20" });
var main_2_panel235 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 108, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": start_date233, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 50, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": end_date234, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var category238 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Category", "name": "category", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.aids.Categories.detail,Lino.aids.Categories.insert)}, "emptyText": "Select a Category...", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Category","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.category) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "hiddenName": "categoryHidden", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/category", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var amount239 = new Ext.form.NumberField({ "autoHeight": true, "decimalPrecision": 2, "fieldLabel": "Amount", "name": "amount", "decimalSeparator": ",", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Amount","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.amount) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "anchor": "-20", "allowBlank": true });
var main_3_panel240 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 81, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 62, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": category238, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 37, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": amount239, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var company243 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Recipient (Organization)", "name": "company", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.contacts.Companies.detail,Lino.contacts.Companies.insert)}, "hiddenName": "companyHidden", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Recipient (Organization)","( ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "emptyText": "Select a Organisation...", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/company", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var contact_person244 = new Lino.TwinCombo({ "preferred_width": 20, "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Recipient (Person)", "name": "contact_person", "pageSize": 20, "onTrigger2Click": function(e){ Lino.show_fk_detail(this,Lino.contacts.Persons.detail,Lino.contacts.Persons.insert)}, "hiddenName": "contact_personHidden", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Recipient (Person)","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.contact_person) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "emptyText": "Select a Person...", "anchor": "-20", "store": new Lino.ComplexRemoteComboStore({ "proxy": new{ "url": "/choices/aids/IncomeConfirmationsByGranting/contact_person", "method": "GET" }) }) });
var language245 = new Lino.ChoicesFieldElement({ "autoHeight": true, "fieldLabel": "Language", "name": "language", "hiddenName": "languageHidden", "listeners": { "render": Lino.quicktip_renderer("Language","(aids.IncomeConfirmationsByGranting.language) ") }, "selectOnFocus": true, "anchor": "-20", "store": [ [ "en", "English" ], [ "fr", "French" ], [ "de", "German" ], [ "nl", "Dutch" ] ] });
var main_4_panel246 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "autoHeight": true, "border": false, "layout": "hbox", "labelWidth": 225, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ { "flex": 33, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": company243, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 33, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": contact_person244, "labelAlign": "top" }, { "flex": 33, "autoHeight": true, "layout": "form", "xtype": "panel", "items": language245, "labelAlign": "top" } ], "frame": false, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretchmax" }, "labelAlign": "top" });
var remark250 = new Lino.RichTextPanel({ "selectOnFocus": true, "flex": 55, "containing_panel": this, "name": "remark", "title": "Remark" });
var main_panel251 = new Ext.Panel({ "autoScroll": false, "border": false, "layout": "vbox", "labelWidth": 0, "hideCheckBoxLabels": true, "items": [ main_1_panel230, main_2_panel235, main_3_panel240, main_4_panel246, remark250 ], "frame": true, "layoutConfig": { "align": "stretch" }, "bodyBorder": false, "labelAlign": "top" });

That’s a long string, but we can test whether it declares three components with an attribute “hidden”:

>>> with ses.user.user_type.context():
...     js = '\n'.join(declare_vars(lh.main))
...     js.count('"hidden"')

Which corresponds to what we want.

The Confirmable mixin

class lino_welfare.modlib.aids.Confirmable

Base class for both Granting and Confirmation.

A signed confirmation cannot be modified, even not by a privileged user.


The agent who has signed or is expected to sign this item.


The confirmation state of this object. Pointer to ConfirmationStates.



Sign this granting or confirmation, making most fields read-only.

This is available if signer is either empty or equals the requesting user. Except for system managers who can sign as somebody else by manually setting the signer field before running this action.


Revoke your signature of this granting or confirmation.

Just out of curiosity: the following help texts have been loaded using lino.sphinxcontrib.help_texts_extractor but aren’t yet translated:

>>> with translation.override('de'):
...     print(aids.Granting.sign.help_text)
Sign this granting or confirmation, making most fields read-only.
>>> with translation.override('de'):
...     print(aids.Granting.revoke.help_text)
Revoke your signature of this granting or confirmation.


Here is a list of the templates used by this plugin.


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code


See the source code